Category: Columns

Ranger Rick: Let’s talk about problem’s causes, not symptoms

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The candidates in the presidential sweepstakes race talk, talk, talk all day long to the media about the symptoms of what is wrong with the country’s present state of politics and human misery. Let’s just list a few so everyone is on the same page: Monstrous debt Open borders, illegal...
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Monday Moanin’: Your high school history teacher got it all wrong

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By Jeff Salisbury President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863, as the nation approached its third year of its bloody civil war. The proclamation declared "that all persons held as slaves" within the rebellious states "are, and henceforward shall be free." What if they weren’t? What if for...
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Barry Hastings: U.S. gun violence is result of GOP/NRA greed

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"Obama's executive pen crosses out cooperation" read the untruthful headline of an editorial purported to be by Fred Jacobs, publisher of the  Jan. 7 edition of the Hastings Banner. (I write purported because it's generally assumed he has neither the background, nor intellect, to connect 16 misleading paragraphs in a...
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Democracy Tree: Bills would strip emergency managers’ immunity

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by Amy Kerr Hardin Last week, Democracy Tree broke the story on the Michigan Emergency Manager Law’s immunity from civil liabilities — individuals acting under the aegis of the law are shielded from personal lawsuits, even if they cause grave harm — as long as they are operating within the parameters of...
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Army Bob: Be very careful about tolerating Sharia law in U.S.

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by Robert M. Traxler Let’s talk about who is marked for punishment in the eyes of radical Islam, ranging from special taxes to death. Do you believe a woman is the religious, social and legal equal of a man? Do you believe unmarried women can ever be in the presence...
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Yes It Is, It’s True: Just a coincidence in a name? Perhaps not

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Not long after music legend John Lennon was murdered, an old friend, state champion volleyball coach Marty Andrews enthusiastically told me he thought he once knew Lennon’s killer, Mark David Chapman. Andrews told me that in the mid-1970s he had served in some sort of Peace Corps-type program through the...
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Basura: Snorkeling featured in upcoming trip south of the border

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My wife and I are headed south of the border for a bit. I love to snorkel. She loves to get out of the cold, and be away from the snow and ice. We generally go somewhere warm in mid-winter, more often than not Mexico. We’ll go to Isla Cozumel,...
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Ranger Rick: The Great Divide is Remocrats vs. republicans

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The Great Divide When you first start to read this I presume you are thinking, what divide? Between Democrats and Republicans, racial divide, Michigan vs. Michigan State? No, the divide is between “Establishment Republicans” and the poor, unwashed masses known as Conservatives (which include every faction of little “r” republicans...
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Democracy Tree: Emergency manager law a monstrous hoax

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by Amy Kerr Hardin The very first sentence of Public Act 436, Michigan’s Emergency Manager Law — not the second or third, or some obscure subsection buried within — the actual primary legal premise of the act, is a bald-faced lie. The leading statement of the preamble has proven to...
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Monday Moanin’: How you can help as Flint water crisis continues

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By Jeff Salisbury Despite declarations of disaster being announced, first by the otherwise powerless mayor (owing to the State of Michigan appointed emergency manager being in charge), as well as the Genesee County Commissioners and most recently Gov. Rick Snyder, the need continues for fresh and/or filter water in...
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