Category: Columns

Democracy Tree: Gov. Snyder’s ‘Reign of Terror’ must be halted

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by Amy Kerr Hardin Since 2011, Michigan municipalities and school districts have been operating under the cudgel of Gov. Snyder’s Emergency Manager Law, making reckless budgetary cuts and forming ill-thought public policy decisions based on the mere threat of emergency management. Here at Democracy Tree, we’ve forecast numerous disastrous outcomes...
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Ranger Rick: We must choose freedom and liberty over traitors

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Traitor - noun A person who betrays another, a cause, or any trust. A person who commits treason by betraying his or her country. There are 3 types of voters: Strict political party voters, no matter who is on the ticket or what their candidate believes or espouses. Little thought...
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Monday Moanin’: Another Snyder disaster is Detroit Public Schools

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By Jeff Salisbury SEPARATE & UNEQUAL — EDUCATIONAL APARTHEID DISPARATE IMPACT Education levels the playing field, creates opportunity for all, and builds better communities in our country. However, the equal opportunity for education is being denied to Michigan's black, Hispanic and special education students via a man-made disaster. BROWN VS....
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The Muck Starts Here: We deserve what we get if Trump is elected

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by Barry Hastings It's the only true indicator of my current disgust and shame for the United States of America, particularly for the under-educated idiot mass (56 percent) determined to make Donald Trump the leader and spokesman for the entire free world. I hope he wins the GOP nomination, and...
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Army Bob: So just who are these oppressed victims in America?

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by Robert M. Traxler Let’s take a look at who is an American victim in the eyes of the progressive left wing movement. Anyone not 100% Caucasian, and not many Americans are. Any American who is not a male, not heterosexual, not a Christian, not rich, not well educated, is...
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Basura: Lengthy lonely laments from a long-suffering Lions lover

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As I write this, the Detroit Lions have not yet played the New Orleans Saints on Monday night. I hold out hope, still. Will my wife be treated to my lovely (?) singing voice, unaccompanied, belting out “Another Lion Vic Tor EEE”? Perhaps not. And, if they do win, I...
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Ranger Rick: ‘Congenital’ liar Hillary Clinton unfit to be president

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I encourage everyone to view the great economist Dr. Thomas Sowell on “Dismantling America” on YouTube – a 2010 critical look at President Obama’s past and present performance and future predictions on what he will do. It is insightful in that Mr. Sowell accurately predicts what has and is happening...
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Monday Moanin: Gov. Snyder responsible for water tragedy in Flint

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By Jeff Salisbury TV political commentator Rachel Maddow reports on the poisoning of Flint, Michigan residents when their water supply was switched, and shows explicitly how responsibility for the tragedy falls to Governor Rick Snyder and his radical, anti-democratic policies. Listen to "Not Safe to Drink," a special documentary...
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The Muck Starts Here: Why not just ban sales of drones and lasers?

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by Barry Hastings While our idiot government is messing its collective pants over drones and lasers threatening the safety of passenger aircraft near just about every airport (often hundreds of times a week), the Japanese government developed a bigger, stronger drone, equipped with a rectangular hanging net, to snare unauthorized...
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Yes It Is, It’s True: Sometimes getting information is like pulling teeth

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“I’ve always depended on the kindness of strangers.” — Blanche DuBois in “A Streetcar Named Desire.” This past Friday night was one of the most difficult and challenging for me in trying to do what I believe is my job — To provide the folks of Wayland, Hopkins and Martin...
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