Category: Columns

Army Bob: Why do Warriors of Allah attack the United States?

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by Robert M. Traxler We are told by the folks in the media it is because we support Israel, because of global warming or global climate change, because Donald Trump wishes to suspend the immigration of people from Islamic States, because President George W. Bush ever lived, because the price...
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Yes It Is, It’s True: Cheering sections have improved over the years

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“Return with us now to those thrilling days of yesteryear…” — Opening monologue by unknown announcer in 1950s TV series, “The Lone Ranger Rides Again.” When I attended high school football and basketball games in my teen-age years, I didn’t want to join in the chants from the stands, led...
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Democracy Tree: Are big box stores ripping off communities?

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by Amy Kerr Hardin After a decade of contentious litigation, the small community of Acme, Michigan — “Gateway to Traverse City” — now has a new Meijer store, just in time for the holidays. With its 24-7 operation, more than 600 varieties of produce, and 30 checkout lanes, the 195,000-square...
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Basura: The adventures of a man wearing a seasonal red suit

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It was about this time of the year, for a few years in a row, when I was asked to put on the red suit. A volunteer was needed. I have a big belly, a hearty laugh, wire rimmed glasses, and I’ve always enjoyed kids. Playing that particular role seemed...
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Ranger Rick: We must decide who can and cannot enter our borders

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Back in 2008, candidate Barack Obama boasted, “Generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the...
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Monday Moanin’: Words of caution for my education friends and others

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by Jeff Salisbury As a retired classroom teacher (who took 13 on-again, off-again, on-again years from high school diploma to college ed degree) and a proud, long-time labor leader who still dabbles in such from time to time... but as I peruse a variety of blogs, web sites and Facebook...
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The Muck Starts Here: The new ‘Know-Nothings’ — GOP prez field

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by Barry Hastings The impending Neo-Nazi American nation. Never in my 77 years have I seen such a collection of fools and/or idiots dominating an American political party's policy-makers. And my reading of history tells me the last time the situation became so dangerous to the nation was with arrival...
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Yes It Is, It’s True: Climate change evidence continues to grow

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I reached a minor milestone Friday when I mowed my lawn in December for the first time in my entire life. My wife told me the back yard grass was looking shaggy and scraggly, so I went to work, firing up the mower for the first time ever in the...
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Democracy Tree: Michigan GOP insensitive to gun violence victims

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by Amy Kerr Hardin A week ago today, just hours prior to the horrific mass shooting in California, Michigan House Democrats offered a resolution to declare Dec 9–16 as Remembrance For All Victims of Gun Violence Week in the state of Michigan, marking the three-year anniversary of the Sandy Hook...
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Army Bob: Prepare yourself for the silly season and tiresome rhetoric

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by Robert M. Traxler As we enter what some folks call the silly season, the presidential election season, we see politicians on both sides of the spectrum using the same old worn-out mantras. One of my favorites is the use of the word “fight;” I will fight for you, your...
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