by Barry Hastings There's nothing like a tragedy (or a disaster) to bring out the shallowness of local television broadcast news. They repeat the remarks of local officials, witnesses, kibitzers,…
There have been many interpretations and observations offered for Bernie Sanders’ huge upset victory in the Michigan presidential primary March 8. I might as well offer mine. Jimmy Carter was…
Source: AP, via Washington Post by Amy Kerr Hardin Political pollsters, pundits, and prognosticators, including the exalted wizards at Five-Thirty-Eight, truly screwed the pooch by calling the Michigan Democratic…
Our family Christmas was probably typical of most around our nation — the older folks talking, the young one texting, heads bowed, eyes fixed on a hand-held communications device. Those…
The media’s fascination with Donald Trump’s rise in the Republican political scene during the primaries is a joke. They are baffled about why Trump is so popular. The media is…
From the blog of Mister Journalism: Reading, Sharing, Discussing, Learning By Jeff Salisbury End of week one of four overlooking the Gulf of Mexico finds me with nothing much…
by Amy Kerr Hardin If five Michigan GOP senators have their way, religious leaders will be legally permitted to threaten voters with excommunication, dismissal, or expulsion from their church if…
High school athletic arenas nowadays include overlooked and underreported “orphan sports,” meaning just about anything other than football or basketball. Though Wayland has a solid tradition in softball, sports such…
by Barry Hastings There's a scandal brewing at the Grand Rapids Home for Veterans. It broke the day before Mr. Dalton shot up Kalamazoo, and it disappeared in the media…