Category: Columns

Basura: We weren’t shown the truth about alligators in the movies

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I went on a couple kayaking trips on a recent trip to Florida. On one, I signed up for a kayaking group tour through the mangroves. I called in a reservation on a rainy Monday. It turned out that I was the only person that signed up for a Tuesday...
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Ranger Rick: Liberal media is guilty of ‘Dixie Chicks’ syndrome

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I continue to get hammered by those on the liberal side of the aisle when I bring up the subject of a bought and paid for media – the "Liberal Media" – especially by the author of this rag (his description, not mine). If a story doesn’t appear in the...
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Monday Moanin’: Tweaking Will Rogers — All I know is what I read online

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By Jeff Salisbury "All I know is what I read in the papers" – Will Rogers Sr. Sadly, this is real news… not satire… because you just can’t make this stuff up… Series of hearings on academic struggles in Michigan classrooms continues Friday, December 04, 2015 LANSING, MI (WHTC) – A third...
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Army Bob: Another terrorist attack, another call for gun control

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We suffered yet one more terrorist attack, and the good folks on the left once again fall back to the party line: it is not the criminal nor the terrorist, it is the gun. The lack of logic is monumental; if guns were illegal, crime or terrorism would disappear? I...
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The Muck Starts Here: State Legislature goes from bad to worse

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Name one issue — guns, roads, wolves, pipelines, fracking, the Jamrat and her Coarser friend — our Michigan legislature hasn't made a hash of over the past eight to ten years. They've modified the concealed carry law just about every year since it was introduced. Now they've got it where...
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Democracy Tree: GOP proposal gives unconvicted rapists parental rights

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by Amy Kerr Hardin Having not written about the Michigan Senate for a spell, now is a good time to check up on them during their year-end rush. Though it’s not a lame duck session, the winter months are typically chock full of legislative odds and ends to sort through....
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Yes It Is, It’s True: Working stiffs got only crumbs in trickle-down system

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One of the most disturbing fables I’ve ever encountered is a story about a frog and a boiling pot. The frog is persuaded by his hungry enemies to enter a pot of water for a bath and they very slowly and almost imperceptibly keep turning up the heat so their...
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Army Bob: Hillary failed critical test in handling classified documents

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by Robert M. Traxler Quite frankly it is hard to understand how Former Secretary of State/United States Senator Hillary Clinton found herself in a situation in which she violated a number of laws governing the use, storage, transmission and generation of classified documents. As Secretary of State she had a...
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Democracy Tree: Time to intervene in state’s corruption problem

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by Amy Kerr Hardin “In a world where invisible backers with unlimited resources can fund candidates they like and approve of — who will consistently vote their way — there is no democracy.” — Michigan Rep. Jon Hoadley Several weeks ago we learned that the Center for Public Integrity ranked Michigan...
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Basura: Perhaps we should legalize, replace our guns with flamethrowers

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According to an article in the Cleveland Plain Dealer, there is interest in making flamethrowers available to private individuals. There are a couple of companies that think it might be profitable to manufacture and sell flamethrowers. One might guess that this would be illegal, but the article reports that no...
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