Category: Columns

Ranger Rick: Lies, health and philandering husband wearing on Hillary

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Watching the media circus with the Democratic and Republican candidates, the field will be narrowed in the next three months when the first primaries start to winnow out the leaders from also-rans. Money, the life blood of politics, has been flowing into the campaigns. Once the voting starts and the...
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Monday Moanin’: Some thoughts about being thankful for ancestors

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By Jeff Salisbury When you rise in the morning, give thanks for the light, for your life, for your strength. Give thanks for your food and for the joy of living. If you see no reason to give thanks, the fault lies in yourself. — Tecumseh Thankful this holiday weekend...
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The Muck Starts Here: Our founding fathers weren’t particularly religious

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by Barry Hastings Contrary to the belief of many (not most) American citizens, this nation was founded on a political, not a religious basis, as witnessed by Article 6, Section 3, of the original Constitition; and Amendment 1 of the ten articles of amendment known as, "the Bill of Rights."...
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Army Bob: Blame terrorism on perpetrators, not on fossil fuels

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Democratic presidential primary candidate Senator Bernie Sanders has said global warming is to blame for the existence of international Islamic terrorism. History is a teacher, a map that instructs us onto which path we should travel. History tells us the Islamic terrorists attacked us before the invention of the internal...
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Yes It Is, It’s True: Paul Henry’s death tragic in more than one way

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Perhaps one of the most infuriating comments I’ve made and continue to make is: “If Republican A. Hitler ran against Democrat J. Christ in a West Michigan political contest, A. Hitler would win.” Many have found this assertion offensive and have profusely offered their rebuttals, saying such a comment is...
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Basura: America must continue to be a free and open society

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The horrific terrorist attacks in Paris have gotten a lot of reaction. Some of that reaction, according to Madeleine Albright, is deeply disturbing. The former U.S. Secretary of State opines in last week’s TIME, “We have always been a generous nation, and we have a rigorous program for refugee resettlement,...
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Ranger Rick: Taking in Syrian refugees is idiotic and dangerous

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The blow-back of allowing Syrian immigrants into the nation (at the time of this writing: approximately 10,000 “refugees”) prompted President Barack Obama to attack Republicans for their stance against the idea. Michigan Governor Rick Snyder commented he didn’t want any of the refugees, as did many other state governors. Grand...
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Democracy Tree: Is Gov. Snyder sly or stupid on refugee question?

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by Amy Kerr Hardin Following is an infographic from the White House outlining the rigorous (nine-part) screening process for refugees. If the Republican governors who wish to block refugee resettlement knew about this, they are guilty of intentionally misleading the public. If they were ignorant of the process, then their...
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Monday Moanin: Dispelling myths and half-truths about refugees

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By Jeff Salisbury “The Enemy is Fear. We think it is Hate, but it is Fear.” Mohandas K. Ghandi  1) “The attackers in Paris were refugees from Syria.” The attackers were French and Belgian nationals, none of them were born in Syria or Iraq or any Daesh (The Arabic abbreviate...
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Barry Hastings: The story about games people play and moi

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by Barry Hastings I was born in ‘38 with rickets, wore braces to my knees, all night, as a small child. My vision wasn’t good — astigmatism. I read, all the time, soon adjusted to the hindrance. In 1950, we moved to a fair-sized lake, sparsely populated area (then), can’t...
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