Category: Columns

Army Bob: Don’t let fear delay what you must do with hip replacement

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by Robert M. Traxler I recently returned home from a second hip replacement surgery at Metro Hospital. Many years of insanely long distance running, 19 marathons and other distance races, and after decades of the normal wear and tear one puts their joints through performing military service took its toll....
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Democracy Tree: Obama spanks Gov. Snyder on refugee issue

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by Amy Kerr Hardin “That’s shameful. That’s not American. That’s not who we are.” President Obama speaking at the G20 Summit today on the issue of refusing Syrian refugees. Several weeks ago, Democracy Tree wrote about Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan, Sen. Gary Peters, and Gov. Rick Snyder putting out the welcome mat encouraging...
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So just who is this ‘Basura’ fellow, anyway? An introduction:

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Who is Basura? The picture is from long ago. In the words of the great Delbert McClinton, “I’m not old, but I been around a long time.” Some of the jobs that I’ve done have put me into court in various capacities. My efforts were not always appreciated. Most people...
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Ranger Rick: When reality hits hard in the face, get busy living

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We all complain to some degree, some more than others. Our health, lack of money, lack of sleep, marital situation, job woes – many things within our daily lives we express dissatisfaction. I live in Real Ville, not Fantasyland, and not everything or everybody has a happy beginning, happy life...
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Monday Moanin: Terrible things, these religious superstitions

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By Jeff Salisbury Whether it’s Paris or Kenya…terrible things, religious superstitions. Just terrible. Too many Muslim, Jewish, and Christian sects professing to be the keepers and translators of End-Times Prophecy. Barf. Barf and Puke and Puke and Barf on the lot of them. Thanks to friend Steve Ward for coining a new...
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Yes It Is, It’s True: We really do need to talk about, not hide suicide

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The obituary notice published last week for Dustin Van Harn, 18, of Leighton Township, truly was one of the most unusual I have seen in my more than 40 years in community journalism. The sad story was brutally and refreshingly honest in that it acknowledged the possibility the talented teen-ager...
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Army Bob: Paris attack shows there are too many evil people in the world

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by Robert M. Traxler The attacks in Paris Nov. 13 were very predictable; indeed, this column has predicted them for in excess of a year. Most of the Islamic terrorists, if we can call them that, detonated explosives attached to their bodies rather than surrender. The death before dishonor we...
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Democracy Tree: Traverse City mayor accepts hunger challenge

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by Amy Kerr Hardin “You gotta give back something. I don’t want to see people suffering.” — Traverse City Mayor Jim Carruthers on what drives him as a public servant. Asking political leaders about the cost of a gallon of milk remains the quintessential “gotcha” litmus test of their experience as...
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The Muck Starts Here: ‘Ye Gods forgive my literary sins…’

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by Barry Hastings The once popular (now not so much) poet Robert Service wrote (in a short verse preceding his collected works), "I have no doubts at all the Devil grins, /As seas of ink I spatter. /Ye Gods, forgive my 'literary' sins - the other kind don't matter." I...
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Introducing newest column ‘Basura.’ Thanksgiving and forgiveness

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EDITOR’S NOTE: The author of “Basura” is an ancient friend who harkens back to the Grand Valley State University days. He is the latest columnist to join our family of writers. He is a Vietnam War veteran and retired not long ago as a social worker and as an official...
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