Category: Columns

We’re bringing back the Great Society to fight crime in the U.S.

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by Robert M. Traxler According to the Department of Justice (DOJ), we as a nation need a special Domestic Terrorism Council to protect us from libertarians, constitutionalists and conservatives. The establishment of a separate division inside DOJ that will live or die as a government agency with the jobs and...
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Ranger Rick: Trumpeting ‘gun-free zones’ is just ignorance

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I read something pretty revealing last week. There was a discussion about “Gun Free Zone” signs at schools, colleges and churches. Everyone knows this is a liberal chant and reverberation throughout the nation when it comes to gun violence. Ever notice the “mass shootings,” usually takes place where these gun...
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Monday Moanin’: Inept management doomed Detroit Public Schools

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By Jeff Salisbury The Michigan Legislature is still debating Detroit schools’ future as the state-run deficit grows under three governors’ control. The Detroit Public Schools is in even bigger financial trouble than previously thought, according to a state report filed this week. In its June 2015 quarterly report on school district...
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Yes It Is, It’s True: More chaff, not wheat, from the Internet, Part 3

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I've already posted two "Yes It Is, It's True columns on the subject of flat-out lies told and distributed widely on Facebook. I like to note them, store them and then share them with readers. I'm not as thorough as, but sometimes I see and read things that I...
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Barry Hastings: Contemplations on the passing of a faithful friend

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by Barry Hastings People in our neck of the woods, along the banks of the old Thorney-apple River in central Barry County, lost a fine friend and a good man last Friday evening when Mike Brown gave up the ghost after a short (it seemed much longer), but fierce, battle...
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Democracy Tree: Michigan gets it right on identity theft law

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by Amy Kerr Hardin Typically legislative resolutions earn little more than a passing chuckle — they’re either complete partisan hogwash or inane attempts by lawmakers to pad their legislative record with silly things like declaring January the Official Dish Soap Appreciation Month. But Michigan’s House managed to patch together a...
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Army Bob: Selective enforcement and reaping what we sow

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We reap what we sow. Elkhart County Indiana Sheriff Brad Rodgers recently said that if the federal government passes additional gun laws requiring weapons registration, he would simply ignore them. The left side of the gun control debate was incensed; after all, if the federal government passes a law it...
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Ranger Rick: Democrats debate came from the same old playbook

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The first Democrat debate was a time warp back to the 1960s. Free love, free drugs (all the candidates seemed like they were high on love and drugs), free from government, free from paying taxes (except those working or rich now), free college… everything free. The exception is for those...
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Monday Moanin: Should we keep or ditch Daylight Savings Time?

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​​By Sleeping for eight, rolling my clock back one, does not mean I got nine hours of sleep Each spring and fall the Lakota Nation posts this proverb on its web site: When told the reason for daylight saving time the old Indian said…‘Only a white man would believe...
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Democracy Tree: Voter’s guide to November 2015, 2016 ballots

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  Nov. 3, 2015 — A slow day at the polling place. Not so next year. Learn what to expect. by Amy Kerr Hardin With just a few short days remaining before the Nov. 3 special election, there seems to be a dearth of media attention over what to expect...
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