Category: Columns

Barry Hastings: You gotta love this game of fast-pitch softball

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A tale by Barry Hastings As I've said a time or two, I was extremely lucky with the first three fast-pitch softball teams I coached on the "small" diamond. The first consisted of terrific athletes, even better human beings. I think of them pretty near every day. They got me...
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Army Bob: We must eliminate ISIS cancer now, or have to face it later

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Some 19 months ago I wrote in this column that we needed to deploy a reinforced Armored Brigade (6,000 troops) to Iraq and eliminate the ISIS threat. At that point it could have been accomplished with little difficulty and minimal loss. To defeat the current ISIS/ISIL threat, it will require...
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Yes It Is, It’s True: Trio of young ladies highlighted 2015 fall sports

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As the fall 2015 sports season nears conclusion, it is apparent its biggest developments were the achievements of three individual females. This trio of young women with striking and exceptional accomplishments deserves special mention. I write about two seniors, Hanna Moulenbelt and Ali Martus of Wayland, and freshman Laura Velderman...
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Democracy Tree: The Devil is in the details for petition drive challenge

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Michigan law does not require petitioners to accurately state the nature of a petition to potential signers, though there are strict rules about other forms of misrepresentation in terms of the mechanics of the signing process. Legal provisions of that nature are now being invoked by the group Protecting Michigan Jobs, asserting...
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Ranger Rick: A comprehensive list of my favorite quotations

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Ranger Rick is a voracious reader, a collector of snippets of wisdom and sayings, verses and phrases. I put forth these for your enjoyment, reflection, and satisfaction. If they happen to anger, cause consternation, or create disharmony in your life, I apologize. Regardless of the author of the phrase or...
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Army Bob: Benghazi blame can’t be laid at Hillary Clinton’s feet

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This column just may anger the good folks who are not fans of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. I always feel being fair and honest is better than being politically correct. The general agreement among those of us on the right is that the current administration did nothing to...
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Monday Moanin’: Get educated about dangers of domestic violence

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​​By   Posted on  October 23, 2015 In her classroom, Susan Cunningham would talk to students about the dangers of unhealthy relationships. The Plainfield North High School teacher would warn them about abuse. She’d tell them to get out of bad relationships and to look out for their...
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The Muck Starts Here: The Bear is back and it means business

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By Barry Hastings What bothers me the most about our federal spook infrastructure revolves around the uncountable (black) expenditures (many billions) we spend annually on 17/18 intelligence organizations. They are absolutely unaccountable to anyone outside a few "go-along" congressmen and senators who always say they can't talk to constituents because...
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Yes It Is, It’s True: The search for truth is frustrating, sometimes futile

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EDITOR’S NOTE: I published a “Yes It Is, It’s True” column earlier this month about the lies and damn lies you can find so easily on the Internet and on Facebook. The following is part two: My old fishing buddy James Wasserman and I took a vacation at Seney in...
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Army Bob: Far left and far right get too much attention from the media

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In a past debate with one of the liberal columnists for this august publication, I was chastised for referring to President Obama as our president. His comment was that he did not vote for him and thus he is not his president. I do not approve of President Obama and...
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