Category: Columns

Yes It Is, It’s True: Media hype sometimes trumps the truth

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This is a true story about two instances in which broadcast media hyper-ventilated, got carried away and sacrificed the truth for what was thought to be a good story. I witnessed both and was appalled by what transpired, but must be mindful of the old saying, “There but for the...
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Democracy Tree: State politicians wined and dined by lobbyists

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This year’s first SNAP Report from the Michigan Campaign Finance Network is a who’s-who of Lansing lawmakers. Lobbyists fed Michigan’s elected officials like so much foie gras destined for the butcher — once again stuffing their gullets full of food and spirits to buy their allegiance. They shelled out more...
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Army Bob: Hillary’s record on halting spread of nukes not good

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Perhaps the greatest foreign policy blunder in the history of the world was on Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s watch. A very broad statement, but in my experience with third world nations it becomes apparent very quickly the most important goal of a tin-plated despot is to hold on to...
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Ranger Rick: A story about cancer patient and man’s best friend

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“Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole” — Roger Caras “He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it...
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Monday Moanin’: I am struggling to tolerate the intolerant

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By Jeff Salisbury An appeals court recently upheld a lower court's order halting a federal mandate requiring two Christian colleges - one in Michigan and the other in Iowa - to provide insurance coverage for certain contraceptives. The court issued an order saying the Affordable Care Act's contraceptive mandate...
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The Muck Starts Here: The legislative morass in Lansing flourishes

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by Barry Hastings It's found not only in Michigan, but folks here are certainly playing the parts of Lewis & Clark as pathfinders for the legislative masters of folly, sloppy work, little work, no work, and work requiring more work just to make it work. The Michigan medical marijuana law(s)...
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Army Bob: Stop saying ‘human,’ ‘history,’ ‘mankind,’ and ‘man’

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The politically correct left strikes again: the University of North Carolina, not Berkley or the California higher education system, but a relative conservative southern state, has banned the vile hate-filled word “man.” Man can no longer be used to refer to the human race, oh shoot, human has “man” in...
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Yes It Is, It’s True: American sports spectacles promote greed, hubris

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I really used to enjoy baseball, basketball and football in my youth and later golf, amateur wrestling, cross country and track. I followed professional and college teams closely and took part in many spirited debates about the fortuns and misfortunes of the games. I was a sports writer and came to...
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Ranger Rick: All Dems have are wounded lioness and ‘independent’

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The presidential race is getting interesting. With all those Republicans and only two Democrats with any chance of winning the Democrat nomination (with Vice President Uncle Joe in the wings), the presidential roulette is heating up.  While I think my cat could do a better job of running the country...
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Democracy Tree: Lansing must tell Gamrat, Courser no means no!

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  by Amy Kerr Hardin Now that disgraced former lawmakers Cindy Gamrat and Todd Courser have declared their intent to run for the House seats they forfeited over gross misconduct — Courser resigned, and Gamrat was expelled — their former colleagues now are in the proverbial political pickle in the...
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