Category: Columns

Army Bob: Climate change Chicken Littles have been around a long time

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My fellow veteran, friend and colleague Ranger Rick has written on this subject a number of times and suffered the slings and arrows of those who worship at the altar of climate change. I figure it is time to add a new voice to the controversy and take a bit...
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Ranger Rick: The invasion of Europe — the United States is next!

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Anyone viewing the national news on any channel can’t help but notice the mass of refugees crossing Europe. The Muslim horde of the Middle Ages didn’t bring Europe down due to Christendom repelling the Muslims by force. There is no overwhelming European Christian coalition to defend against Islamic terrorists today....
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Monday Moanin’: ‘New American Way of Life’ just another hoax

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By Jeff Salisbury Meme… e-mail… truth… fiction… urban legend… Hope you’ve seen or read the chain email or Internet meme called either “How to get $75k in benefits for you and your girlfriend” – or – “New American Way of Life”… I really hope so because if not, this “moan” likely...
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The Muck Starts Here: Is Hillary Clinton a victim of ‘Murphy’s Law?’

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by Barry Hastings The Clinton camp has suddenly become the Clinton collapse, in Iowa and New Hampshire, as Bernie Sanders leads Hillary in polls among Democrats in the latter by nine points. He'd been creeping up on her for weeks, but in the last week, steadily improved, then quickly surpassed...
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Democracy Tree: Big box store bullies hurting communities

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by Amy Kerr Hardin The 'Dark Store' bait and switch — A corporate scam Big box stores across Michigan are gaming the system on property taxes — threatening the core fiscal stability of townships in every corner of the state. Like the archetypal playground bully, major retailers are demanding tax...
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Yes It Is, It’s True: Martin Twp. may be stuck with pot exchange

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The more I do the research and think critically about the situation, the more I believe Martin Township is skating on thin ice regarding the marijuana exchange site in Shelbyville. The most recent information I’ve come across indicates that CDXX Boutique doesn’t really have to go before the Planning Commission...
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Army Bob: It is racist not to believe that ‘all lives matter’

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In this column I have railed against prejudice in all its forms; to prejudge anyone, to judge anyone by the group is just plain wrong. Unfortunately we have politically correct prejudice and the majority in the media see no harm in it. To prejudge all law enforcement officers as racists,...
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Ranger Rick: Do the science — Mother Earth is starting to cool

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President Obama, armed with the speculation of “thousands of scientists” with scientific “consensus” the world is coming to an end because of Global Warming, er, Global Climate Change, or whatever it is called now, and the melting of the polar ice caps and the increase in carbon dioxide (CO2), keeps...
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Democracy Tree: Do-nothing legislature’s approval ratings tanking

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by Amy Kerr Hardin Blame, only where blame is due As predicted, the dog and pony show known as the Courser-Gamrat Affair is slated to suck all the oxygen out of the State Legislature, preventing this already inept body from getting around to roads, among other apparently impossible legislative aerobic...
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Monday Moanin’: College good investment only if you’re a bank

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By Jeff Salisbury Michigan high school juniors, like my grandson Auston, will be the first to take the SAT college admission standardized test next spring instead of the ACT. The switch, announced by the State of Michigan in January, lowers testing costs for the state, though it might increase anxiety levels of...
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