Category: Columns

Ranger Rick: Abortion continues culture of death for 42 years

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With all the latest information coming out about Planned Parenthood’s abortion mills and selling of body parts and whole fetuses, I was physically ill from the descriptions and the undercover footage. In my younger days I was a Pro-Choice supporter and a staunch Democrat, Union member (UAW), and consumed large...
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Monday Moanin’: Nobody knows what the hell they’re doing

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By Jeff Salisbury Maybe you’ve seen the video of people of all ages, offering words of wisdom to those of their generation, but just a bit younger. I spotted it on Facebook over the weekend and learned that it’s connected to Canadian Broadcasting Corporation’s online and radio magazine WireTap saying farewell. I’m...
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The Muck Starts Here: We’re still paying for Iraq War debacle

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by Barry Hastings (Much of this story will be in italics, and represents direct quotes from a piece I wrote for this site's publisher while he edited a regional newspaper some 12 years ago. The Supreme Court has ruled a reporter's stories are his, or hers, unless rights have been...
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Democracy Tree: Attacks on Planned Parenthood bogus, unfair

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Per usual, Michigan Republican lawmakers have proposed a spate of legislation in response to the deceptively edited Planned Parenthood tapes. A package of bills was introduced this week to prevent the dismemberment of aborted fetuses for the purpose of selling them for profit. Let’s go over this one more time...
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Army Bob: Hillary openly violated the law on issue of e-mails

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What is the big deal about former Sectary of State Hillary Clinton having a few Top Secret, Special Intelligence, no Foreign Dissemination documents on her personal server? Who cares “what difference at this point does it make?" Well at this time or at any time it makes a big difference;...
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Yes It Is, It’s True: Erik Kramer was Rodney Dangerfield of QBs

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It was with great sadness that I learned this morning former Detroit Lions quarterback Erik Kramer tried to commit suicide. But I shouldn’t have been surprised. Kramer was the Rodney Dangerfield of NFL quarterbacks and he got a really raw deal from the Detroit Lions. He always had to prove...
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Ranger Rick: Planned Parenthood founder Sanger was racist

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“Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive” Note: Portions of this article are from Thomas Lifson’s article “Black Ministers petition Smithsonian to remove bust of Margaret Sanger” as published in American Thinker. Hillary Clinton, upon accepting Planned Parenthood’s Margret Sanger Award, stated, “I admire...
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Democracy Tree: Will expulsion be fate of Gamrat, Courser?

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  In a teary-eyed press conference late last week, held in the controlled environment of her attorney’s office, husband at her side, State Rep. Cindy Gamrat was clearly distressed yet resolute about not proffering her resignation. Only the most jaded political hack would question the sincerity of the waterworks —...
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Monday Moanin’: Promises, promises — made, broken, kept

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By Jeff Salisbury Oh, promises, their kind of promises, can just destroy a life Oh, promises, those kind of promises, take all the joy from life Oh, promises, promises, my kind of promises Can lead to joy and hope and love "Promises, Promises" was a musical based on the 1960 film...
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The Muck Stars Here: About GOP fools and hypocrites, and the poor

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by Barry Hastings The political candidate who calls former General (and short-time CIA Director) David Petraeous a "wonderful man," is nothing other than a shallow, ignorant person trying to look youthful, attract malcontents. Donald Trump is, of course, full of B.S. right up to his (heh, heh, heh) hairline. And...
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