Category: Columns

The Muck Starts Here: We should have let the South secede

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by Barry Hastings An idiot who summers near me drives a big, noisy, older pickup, with all the trimmings, including a very large Confederate Battle Flag (still popular with red-necks and racist pigs). He also flies the same rag on a pontoon boat. Some of us are trying to talk...
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Let’s retire runner-up sign and brag only about being No. 1

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“It ain’t braggin’ if it’s true. Muhammed Ali said that. Back when he was a young man. Back when he was Cassius Clay. Before he had too many fights and left his brain inside the ring…” — Dan Bern The first time I ever saw a sign welcoming a motorist...
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Ranger Rick: No gun permits, but lots of shootings in Chicago

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"Governments that set out to regiment their people with the stated objective of providing security and liberty have ended up losing both. Those which put freedom as the first priority find they have also provided security and economic progress." — Ronald Reagan Every day in the city of Chicago there...
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Democracy Tree: Wisconsin makes even Michigan look good

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Just as Michigan’s new and improved Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) law kicks into effect this month, making it easier and less expensive for its citizens to discover what public officials are up to, their neighbors to the west were busy pondering the dismantlement of their own open records statutes...
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The Muck Starts Here: This and that and the other

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If you take a careful look at the United States Constitution, you'll soon see there's nothing there allowing wishes of the religious fringes to over-ride rights of any others, despite strident cries from bishops, screaming preachers, and hate-mongers of many hues. First thing the founders thought of, was not "religious...
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Monday Moanin’: What you think about college may not be so

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By Jeff Salisbury Stereotypically the American college student leaves high school and home at about age 18, moves onto a college campus for the next four years. But in my case, I was definitely a “nontraditional” student because for me it was 13 years from high school graduation in...
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Yes It Is, It’s True: Let’s separate Facebook wheat from chaff

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“All of your children are poor unfortunate victims of lies you believe — a plague upon your ignorance.” — Frank Zappa Facebook is often depressing because too many post racist, homophobic comments and circulate assertions that just aren’t true. Hopkins Village President and former Hopkins Elementary Principal Mary Howard made...
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Army Bob: Media too often crosses the line on truth, fairness

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Columnist and television news commentator George Will once said when discussing the power of television and the influence on the American public opinion and having an image of death and destruction showed repeated times, “If the American Civil War were televised we would be two nations today.” Will’s point was...
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Ranger Rick: There’s more to story about Confederate flag

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Since the general public is so poorly educated about history, the confusion and anger swirling about concerning the Confederate flag, let’s examine the facts. The battle flag of the Army of Northern Virginia was adopted, after several versions, as the flag of the Confederacy – it flew for approximately four...
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Monday Moanin’: Most college grads headed nowhere fast

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By Jeff Salisbury The high school graduation ceremonies are over. The open houses have, for the most part, come and gone. The summer jobs (if you can find one) have begun. And lots of parents and students alike will, if they haven’t already, soon be sending off college room...
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