Category: Columns

The Muck Starts Here: This isn’t a pleasant peninsula any more

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By Barry Hastings What a state we live in. In a few (long) years, our Michigan has drifted (and been driven by political Gerrymandering) from a strong, progressive economic power, to a state where one in four children goes hungry every day, and the state legislature is ever on the...
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Yes It Is, It’s True: Let’s raise a glass to martyr Gerry Crane

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EDITOR’S NOTE: Much of what follows is reprinted from a column I wrote more than two years ago. While the nation buzzes today about the Supreme Court’s historic decision on gay marriage, I recall my own personal journey 20 years ago when I became a big supporter of gay rights....
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Army Bob: So now what can be done about Dorr Twp. roads?

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Dorr Township last month voted down the millage to maintain and improve roads. Dorr voted the millage down by 64% to 36%, a very clear and sound defeat for the people who want to improve and maintain the road system. The people have spoken — now what? Will the roads...
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Democracy Tree: Twitter pulls plug on political transparency

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by Amy Kerr Hardin “A member of Congress does not and should not have the same expectation of privacy as a private citizen. Power can only be accountable with a generous application of transparency.” — Christopher Gates, Sunlight Foundation President, speaking on Twitter’s new policy exclusively protecting U.S. politicians. A...
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Ranger Rick: Wage equality campaigns are lots of nonsense

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"You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift. You cannot help small men by tearing down big men. You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. You cannot lift the wage-earner by pulling down the wage-payer. You cannot help the poor man by destroying the rich. You cannot keep...
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Monday Moanin’: Every day is Father’s Day to me

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For Harbaughs, every day is Father's Day By Angelique S. Chengelis, The Detroit News - June 20, 2015 Little Jim Harbaugh would leave the house wearing his baseball hat and carrying a baseball glove. "Where you going?" his father, Jack Harbaugh, would ask. "Doubleheader today against the Indians," the 6-year-old...
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Democracy Tree: Affordable Care Act doing fine in Michigan

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Below is a fact sheet from The White House Office of the Press Secretary on how Michigan is faring under the Affordable Care Act. by Amy Kerr Hardin FACT SHEET: Health Care in Michigan What the Affordable Care Act is doing for Michigan families The Affordable Care Act has already...
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The Muck Starts Here: Continuing the list of U.S. Navy’s sins

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by Barry Hastings Let's start where I left off last time, continuing my (many) complaints against the U. S. Navy. We'll pick the tale up with Admiral Hyman Rickover, a 1921 graduate of the Naval Academy, and a brilliant, though irritating man. Like Admiral Sims (see my last), he wasn't...
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Army Bob: Hatred disguised as social justice is still hatred

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The new politically correct term used by the folks who make their living on racial division is the elimination of “White Privilege.” Is the call for the elimination of white privilege a call for a socially mandated disdain for all non-minority Americans? We need to examine the term and see...
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Yes It Is, It’s True: Right-winger opposes our War on Terror

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Sometimes political labels are inadequate — the customary “liberal,” “moderate” and “conservative” adjectives we stick on people in the political arena. I stumbled on to an essay written by Jacob G. Hornberger, founder and president of The Future of Freedom Foundation, an avowed Liberarian, a fan of Ron Paul and...
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