by Robert M. Traxler I received one of those chain emails, you know the ones with the please forward on the bottom. One of the points in the email was…
“Water is the blood of our Earth Mother.” – Cecil Pavlat of the Sault Tribe of Chippewa Indians by Amy Kerr Hardin For all those kayaktivists and walkers who are attending…
The recent BP (the hated British Petroleum of Gulf of Mexico oil spill fame) gas refinery breakdown in Indiana caused a spike in gas prices – pushing gas to high…
By Jeff Salisbury Following the recent release of test-taker data for the state’s 2015 high school grads by American College Test and the State of Michigan, those who follow…
by Barry Hastings It does my heart good to see South Carolina's "military expert" and racist U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham facing ignominious withdrawal from the GOP primacy races. I could…
EDITOR’S NOTE: The following is an excerpt from the unpublished book, “Breadcrusts,” co-written by James G. Wasserman and David T. Young. It recounts the events of Jan. 22, 1969, at…
by Amy Kerr Hardin Michigan is rife with right-wing gaffes this summer. As if the Courser/Gamrat affair weren’t enough to entertain the electorate, we also have the anticipated perennial dose…
by Robert M. Traxler Given that there is an Infantry rifle squad plus of candidates for the Republican nomination for president, most of us who are staunch Republicans have a…
With all the latest information coming out about Planned Parenthood’s abortion mills and selling of body parts and whole fetuses, I was physically ill from the descriptions and the undercover…
By Jeff Salisbury Maybe you’ve seen the video of people of all ages, offering words of wisdom to those of their generation, but just a bit younger. I spotted it…