Category: Columns

Democracy Tree: Is the Great Lakes state a sinking ship?

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by Amy Kerr Hardin QUIZ: What do the expressions colossal squid, colony collapse disorder, photobomb, emoji,  jegging, WTF, and dark money have in common? ANSWER: They all made the list of most recent additions to the Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary: Michigan has become “the dark money capital of America.” — Rich Robinson,...
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Ranger Rick: Rebuttal to Mr. Britten’s ‘Sticking it to the poor’

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In an attempt to balance what Mr. David Britten espoused in his recent guest editorial, I must say I’m not surprised by his comments. I even actually somewhat agree with some of them. I am told he was a great administrator while at Wayland, and I’m sure he is for...
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Monday Moanin’: Ruminations on Flag Day, iPads, civics, comfort

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By Jeff Salisbury All I know is what I read online “Well, what shall I talk about? I ain’t got anything funny to say. All I know is what I read in the papers.” – Will Rogers, Sr. No theme this week… just a bunch of random ruminations. Flag...
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Democracy Tree: Aramark, corporate citizen. Oh, the humanity!

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by Amy Kerr Hardin As corporate “people” go, Aramark Inc. is pretty pleased with itself recently. You see they’ve found a way around their public relations train wreck over their less than humane treatment of inmates in prisons around the nation. Between the maggot and rodent feces laced food they’ve...
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The Muck Starts Here: U.S. Naval command has list of scandals

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by Barry Hastings Bad news first... 'cause that's all we have here. Besides the disgusting lack of progress in our battle against radical Muslim terror, we're seeing rebirth of the cruel, grasping Russian bear; revival of Chinese naval expansion after a seven-century hiatus; repeated, repeat, repeated, successful attacks on government...
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Army Bob: Shrinking warrior class is 1/2% of U.S. population

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An offshoot of the “All Volunteer Force” is a growing warrior class; our military is currently composed of one half of one percent of our population according to Military Times. Military Times reports that 80 percent of those serving come from a family where a parent or sibling is or...
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Ranger Rick: So 47% can’t raise $400 for an emergency?

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In a recent survey by the Federal Reserve, 47% of those surveyed said they would have to borrow money, pawn or sell something to come up with $400 for an unexpected emergency. Now I’m not a moneybags, but even most of the people I know can come up with $400...
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Monday Moanin’: More tests, though they show no benefit

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By Jeff Salisbury "If it wasn’t for all the confusion there'd be no fusion at all." MEAP, MME, M-Step, PSAT, SAT According to a press release from the Michigan Association of Secondary School Principals, the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) announced this week that starting next school year (2015-16),...
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We’re doing our best imitation of Rome during its decline

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by Barry Hastings On May 28, a presidential press aide told White House reporters, "We're involved in a very different kind of conflict." You can say that again. It's a war that's costing fewer American lives, but costing us unimaginable billions of dollars, much concern on the part of allies...
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Army Bob: Poll says Arabs give 81% approval rating for ISIS

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Perhaps the Obama Administration should read a recent survey conducted by Al Jazeera that found 81% of the Arabs polled saying they support The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)/The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). ISIS has a much stronger level of support than our own...
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