“Vinnie the Vet gets the scoop!” — Ed (Uncle Buck) Buchanan, holding his nose in an attempt to sound like Walter Winchell If there were any such thing as a…
In this column I have discussed the manner in which folks on the right and left side of the political aisle use invectives to make a point. Referring to people…
by Amy Kerr Hardin The sordid Gamrat-Courser affair probably has increased potential for lack of a deal on roads. If Courser and Gamrat truly care about fiscal responsibility, they will…
The weak high school educational instruction on the history of the U.S. Civil War and its causes usually talk of the despicable Confederates (CSA – Southern states) against the good…
By Jeff Salisbury JeffreyLSalisbury@gmail.com “Political language... is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.” — George Orwell Spotted…
by Barry Hastings "Hey, Buddy! Seen any drones?" "Yep. Seen a couple of 'em." "Big one, Nr. 2 shot; smaller 'un, Nr. 4." Seriously speaking, though, these remote-controlled accidents seeking…
by Amy Kerr Hardin When Michigan House Representatives Todd Courser (R-Lapeer) and Cindy Gamrat (R-Plainwell) were caught having a little extra-curricular nakie tête-à-tête, it’s clear neither had fully thought through the consequences…
by Robert M. Traxler There are no criminals; there is only a criminal nation or society that made the criminal. It is better and much cheaper to send those convicted…
“Birth control is important across the political spectrum, to Democratic women, to Republican women, and to Independent women… birth control is the cornerstone of women’s health, their ability to get…
As much as Ranger Rick has his opinions diametrically opposed to the author of this “on-line rag” (his words, not mine), I think we both realize the U.S. is in…