Category: Columns

Yes It Is, It’s True: Award doesn’t respect Mallory Teunissen

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Congratulations to Wayland High School pitching star Mallory Teunissen for being voted best softball player in West Michigan. It’s an honor well deserved, but I believe it’s an honor not worthy of her, her talent and her accomplishments. Let me explain. I hope I am not misunderstood. In a desperate...
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Army Bob: Overused, overhyped words only muddle debate

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Words have power, words have meaning, words can condemn or inspire. Let’s take a look at the word racist; it is a vile word, an insulting word, and a word some may use with pride. Most of us are very careful not do anything that would earn the label of...
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Democracy Tree: State Legislature continues war on unions

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State Rep. Amanda Price (R-89) this week introduced House Bill 4630, co-sponsored by Rep. Gary Glenn (R-98). The proposal is to amend Public Act 150 of 1962 which laid down employer rules for dealing with replacement workers during a labor dispute, commonly known as “scabs.” Price’s amendment would eliminate the...
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Ranger Rick: Take it all in and be thankful for rural living

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I’m going to surprise most of you this week. I won’t be writing about the sorry state of politics, government or economics this week. Frankly, it’s boring this far out from the next election. I love dirt. Not the kind sticking to politicians or political deals, but the little particles...
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Monday Moanin: ‘Choices have a lifetime of consequences’

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By Jeff Salisbury This week, Thursday, May 21, Wayland Union High School will conduct its annual commencement followed by Hopkins High School on Friday, May 22, followed by Martin High School a week later on Friday, May 29. One-by-one, school districts across the county, the state and, of course,...
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Yes It Is, It’s True: Try Charles Ives for ‘Decoration Day’

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“I would like to meet a woman who knows the difference between Burl Ives and Charles Ives.” — James G. Wasserman When some serious music maven insists the United States has never produced a quality and truly American classical music composer, I always respond with two words: Charles Ives. I...
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Barry Hastings: Softball memories — Hope dashed, re-born

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Eight and one-half months earlier, our 1982 fast-pitch softball season had ended in the kind of disaster coaches, managers and players dread — two beatings in four hours on the first day of competition, the dreary job of packing up gear, the long ride home (knowing you came nowhere near...
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Army Bob: Social justice and law of unintended consequences

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“The road to hell is paved with good intentions” and virtually all actions have unintended consequences. Both statements are facts and both need to be considered when we judge the value of the social justice movement. An advocate for social justice will cite the need to raise the minimum wage...
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Democracy Tree: Senate repeal Michigan prevailing wage law?

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by Amy Kerr Hardin “Prevailing wage laws are the best deal for taxpayers. A PWL keeps construction costs down by promoting a high-skilled, high-quality construction workforce that completes jobs on time, the first time.” — Frank Manzo IV, Director, Midwest Economic Policy Institute The Senate Committee on Michigan Competitiveness is...
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Army Bob: Hard to believe, but Dorr government is a bargain

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The election is over and most things went down in flames; the Michigan State Road Proposition 1 was massacred and no better use of the vote was ever made. No argument from me that the pork laden attempted robbery cried out to be defeated. In this column, I will discuss...
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