Category: Columns

Ranger Rick: On presidential sweepstakes and ‘road kill’ vote

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Looking at the expanding field of potential presidential candidates, one thing is apparent: Mrs. Clinton is losing ground. Even Bernie Sanders (United Socialists of Vermont – a satellite province of the USSR) is thinking he has a chance against the person the media feels is successor to the throne, the...
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Monday Moanin’ — What must be done in ‘road kill’ aftermath

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By Jeff Salisbury Proposal I fails, resoundingly, but too many voters respond with no votes across the board I completely understand the statewide backlash by voters and turning back Proposal 1 (I voted NO as well), but I am troubled by so many no votes of other local issues....
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The Muck Starts Here: ‘Mad, bad and dangerous to know’

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By Barry Hastings The President should declare the critically poor condition of our power and transportation (land, sea [water], air) infrastructures constitutes a national emergency of immense magnitude, and declare so. He should issue presidential orders calling for immediate action to get our national lifelines — pipelines, highways, safe air...
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Democracy Tree: Is Roberts Court concerned about its legacy?

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With all the buzz about the recent high court same-sex marriage arguments, a little something to celebrate slipped through the media cracks. The marriage equality decision is weeks, if not months away, but another ruling on a case Democracy Tree reported on in January of this year came down in...
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Army Bob: Socialists want to control the unwashed masses

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A hot topic of debate during the pending presidential election will be our nation’s movement to Socialism. Or the “expansion of Big Government,” as Republicans call it; the Social Justice movement as Democrats call it. Quite frankly I cannot understand why the folks like President Obama, Hillary Clinton, Martin O’Malley...
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Dog ‘N Suds was the place to go for Wayland teens in the ’60s

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“The music is played for love Cruisin' is made for love I love it when we're cruisin' together” — Smokey Robinson  “I got a letterman's sweater With a letter in front I got for football and track I'm proud to wear it now When I cruise around The other parts...
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Democracy Tree: Proposal 1 money trail was a one-way street

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by Amy Kerr Hardin The Michigan roads proposal, billed as "road kill" after its resounding defeat Tuesday, was paved with cash, but it flowed in mostly one direction. Regardless of how voters felt about the content of the bipartisan compromise, in the interest of complete transparency, they should additionally know...
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Ranger Rick: Is Baltimore’s mess just a hint of things to come?

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The media, in its consuming quest to be first and usually get it wrong, presumed it had a great story of police brutality on a long time criminal, Freddie Gray, in Baltimore. The way it was reported, it certainly pointed to police brutality. But, as the facts slowly came out...
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Monday Moan: As they say on Shark Tank, ‘I’m out’ on Prop 1

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By Jeff Salisbury More than 20 years ago and after sitting through and asking questions of the late-State Senator William VanRegenmorter's "pitch" at Wayland City Hall, I voted against Proposal A. Reasons? • It was revenue neutral which meant no NEW money for schools • It picked winners and...
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Yes It Is, It’s True: Let us be glad about saving a local treasure

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                                     ‘Twas a little more than three years ago when my wife suggested I do a weekly historical column to highlight events and people 25, 50, 75 and 100 years ago this week. I agreed and set out to find a place where old Wayland and Penasee...
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