Category: Columns

Ranger Rick: Calling it whatever you want doesn’t make it so

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When I was a young man, 14 or 15 years old (this would be mid-sixties), an old man told me I would see and experience things in my lifetime that were unheard of at the time, not new inventions, but the destruction of traditions and religion. He was a World...
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Monday moan: All I know is what I’ve been reading on line

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By Jeff Salisbury "Well, what shall I talk about? I ain't got anything funny to say. All I know is what I read in the papers." – Will Rogers And all I know is what I’ve read online recently… newspapers… magazines… and blogs. Now you’ll know too. Is the...
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The Muck Starts Here: Skeptical about past, present and future

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  by Barry Hastings Call me Jeremiah. . ., 'cause I'm skeptical about the past, the present and the future. The past because I suspect our national intelligence, military, and political institutions have been hiding, with-holding, and manufacturing information about dangerous world situations we've faced since well before Ed Snowden...
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Democracy Tree: Aramark employee canned for whistleblowing

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“Aramark did not fire the problem, Aramark fired the employee that was reporting the problems they failed to fix.” — Jon Costa, Aramark whistleblower Last year, Democracy Tree reported on the disgusting conditions found in the food vendor booths at Kauffman and Arrowhead stadiums in Kansas City. Jon Costa, an...
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Army Bob: Bergdahl not a smoking gun, but a smoking Howitzer

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The report Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl has been read court martial charges tells only a part of the story. Article 85 (Desertion) is an intent crime the main burden of proof of the crime is the intent not to return to military control. Desertion charges in the past have been tossed...
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Yes It Is, It’s True: I was workin’ for da man every night and day

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I was introduced to the disturbing prevailing modern relationship between management and labor when I left the Albion Evening Recorder in 1984, when the small daily newspaper began to struggle economically, just like the community in which it was situated. I was painfully aware that downtown businesses were closing in...
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Democracy Tree: State legislator tries to fight dog discrimination

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by Amy Kerr Hardin It happened quietly late last week. Republican Senator David B. Robertson (R-14) introduced a piece of legislation that would prohibit Michigan municipalities from discriminating against certain individuals…. based on their breed. Yep, Michigan Republicans want to extend Elliott-Larsen-type protections to dogs. While we certainly don’t wish...
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Ranger Rick: Senator Ted Cruz, the liberals’ nightmare, oh, my!

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Senator Ted Cruz has announced his candidacy for President of the United States in 2016… and the long knives have come out. Rep. Peter King, representing the state of New York’s 2nd district, a Remocrat if there ever was one, described Cruz as a “carnival barker” and he remarked Cruz...
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Monday Moan: Here’s hoping Wayland board makes it 3-for-3

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By Jeff Salisbury In recent weeks we’ve seen the Wayland board go 2-for-2 in wise decisions and hopefully they are poised to make it 3-for-3 running the table so to speak in March. First it was the decision to opt out of the thoroughly redundant Allegan County Early College...
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The Muck Starts Here: On the road to perdition with ISIL

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By Barry Hastings Every time I wake to the morning news I'm closer to screaming, "This President and his military advisers are leading us down the road to defeat and perdition." It was just a short while ago he told an interviewer the administration was, "confident we have control of...
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