Former State Rep. John Stewart (left) and former Lt. Gov. Brian Calley I miss the old days in politics when I could actually be friends with political enemies. In days…
by Robert M. Traxler El President of Mexico has come out on the side of President Biden and is degrading Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. The Mexican President has also come…
“If arming more people meant we would be safer, we would be the safest country in the world.” — Shannon Watts I’ve been considering gun control lately. I suppose I was…
by Robert M. Traxler A travel warning has been issued to people of color; black, brown and LBGTQ Plus, Plus, folks to stay out of Florida, it is a dangerous…
George Orwell and Aldous Huxley, who wrote two books I considered indispensable for all high school students, really did have a lot of impact in the 20th century. Orwell’s two…
by Kathy Hamman Miller Oldies but goodies. A hand written dessert in one of the favorite old cookbooks that’s sure to impress your taste buds! Enjoy! Ingredients and directions for…
by Robert M. Traxler About 86,000 folks illegally crossed our southern border in one week, or 4.9 times the population of Martin, Hopkins, Moline, Wayland, and Dorr combined, nearly half…
Nissa Smith and Anthony Winters In a story that could be made unto a Hallmark movie, a Wayland couple is trying to live the American Dream in an unusual way…