Category: Columns

The muck starts here: ‘Buckshott, Part Deux’

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by Barry Hastings  ‘War on Terror’ prosecution incompetent  The oft repeated question of journalists and citizens today is, "What's our strategy for preventing attacks of the type we're seeing across the globe today, here?" If anyone remotely connected to the matter answers truthfully, he deserves to be shot. Much of...
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Yes It Is, It’s True: MLK’s teachings, legacy similar to those of Jesus

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As the observance of Dr. Martin Luther King's birthday approaches, I submit that the way we view Dr. King has some interesting similarities with how we regard Jesus Christ. The most important one is that many of us profess to be followers and admirers of both historical giants, yet too...
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DEMOCRACY TREE: It’s illegal in Michigan to take Lord’s name in vain

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Blasphemy: blas•phe•my  [noun] Profane talk of something supposed to be sacred; impious irreverence. (Oxford English Dictionary) Illegal in Michigan? You bet! Well, bloody hell — who knew? Take the Lord’s name in vain in Michigan, among other states, and you’re not only busted by the Third Commandment, but you’re on...
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Army Bob: We must take serious and decisive action against ISIS

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French Philosopher and writer Voltaire is credited with saying, “I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.” The murders at the offices of Charlie Hebdo in France were designed to violate that rule. Charlie Hebdo is a...
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