Category: Columns

Taken from a recipe from the past: Chicken rice Roger

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This recipe was copied from a recipe card my Grandmother had written out for me as it was and continues to be a family favorite. So, if you're looking to warm up your kitchen these cooler days with a great tasting meal and wonderful smells, this will turn out to...
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Army Bob: How did Dems manage to lose the House?

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by Robert M. Traxler The progressive media will say the gains for the conservative party are in reality a loss. The apologists for the Democrats in the media (news, entertainment, and social) will rationalize the Republican win as a loss, like saying a football team that lost by less than...
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Cabbage, smoked sausage an easy, winning combo

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by Kathy Hamman Miller This is one of my favorite meals to make as it’s fast and easy. Of course, the size of the cabbage heads, carrots, and onions will vary so use what you have and want for this recipe. Like Grandma used to say a pinch of this...
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Yes It’s True: Clippers can prove history repeats itself

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“Return with us now to those thrilling days of yesteryear…” One of the most overrated and overly simplistic sayings of all time is “History repeats itself.” Some similarities in stories reappear now and then, but history doesn’t repeat itself. Regardless, a pretty solid example may be approaching in the community...
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Army Bob: Import energy? But we can make it here

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by Robert M. Traxler Americans need to ask why we are not drilling and pumping our own energy as opposed to importing it from halfway around the world. Tankers are burning 2,623 gallons of diesel fuel an hour in every super tanker, and it takes hundreds of tanker voyages. Each...
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Basura: Common sense reasons for ‘yes’ on Prop. 3

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“Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.” — Søren Kierkegaard I am of the belief that a woman is the one best suited to make her own reproductive choices.  The woman may wish to hear from other voices on the matter. She is uniquely fit to decide...
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Is the Sinclair Broadcast Group ruining Channel 3?

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“Connect the dots… and pay attention.” — What I so often tell myself I hear tell today that weather lady Christina Anthony is leaving WWMT-TV Channel 3. Her departure is latest in a puzzling string of female reporters and broadcasters who have exited the television station, owned by the Sinclair...
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Squash is an acceptable substitute for eggplant dish

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by Kathy Hamman Miller Eggplants are rich with fiber and antioxidants. The skin on the egg plant is completely edible, but the larger can be a little tough. If your eggplant is young you can leave the nutrient rich skin on. If using the larger eggplant, peel the skin for...
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Yes It’s True: Fear has too long of a ruining shelf life

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“Be afraid. Be very afraid.” — Actress Gina Davis in “The Fly.” “The only thing we have to fear is… fear itself.” — President Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1933. Halloween 1970 for me was surrounded by fear. My brother, Gib Goodwin, put on a terrific show wearing a wig and using...
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Army Bob: Wind and solar subsidies have their costs

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by Robert M. Traxler The midterm elections are on the way, and indeed many of us have already voted. Will it be the predicted landslide for the Republicans? Probably not; as predicted, most of the media have been in a full court press in support of the progressive/socialist movement. Crime...
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