Category: Columns

Army Bob: Abortion isn’t protected by Constitution

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by Robert M. Traxler According to a story in Politico, Roe v. Wade is going to be struck down by the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS). The story is reportedly “well sourced” leaks from the Supreme Court, which are exceptionally rare and, it is hard to believe it has leaked...
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A mother works full time to get herself out of the job

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by Denise Dykstra We met with some new friends this past weekend and were talking about our families. “Wait, four boys? You have FOUR boys?” one asked. Yes. And look, still surviving it all. Because it is the week of Mother’s Day, I thought I would attempt to share with...
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Phyllis McCrossin won’t be ramblin’ with pen any more

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by Phyllis McCrossin Phyllis McCrossin "Wild and windblown... that's how you've grown... Who can cling to a Ramblin' Rose?" — Nat King Cole, 1963 This will be my final column for Townbroadcast. It’s been a good two years, but it’s time for me to sign off. I’m tired, and after...
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Mushroom provolone burgers with caramelized onions is tasty entree

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This onion, bella mushroom, and provolone burger has layers of flavor that your family is sure to enjoy. You’ll find that Bella’s are great to pair up with onions and can use this mixture to top other meals. Really tasty on steak, salmon and meatloaf, too. 1 1/2 pounds extra lean...
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Basura: Fox host Laura Ingraham’s Bad Angle

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“Pity the mother and the father when the kids go away.” — The Amazing Rhythm Aces Fox host Laura Ingraham earns $15 million per year, according to four sources.  I’d call that fairly well off.  I found it shocking, though perhaps not all that surprising, that she spoke recently about...
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Army Bob: Let’s not open Pandora’s Box of nukes

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by Robert M. Traxler The Secretaries of State and Defense traveling to the capital city of Ukraine, Kiev, was the right thing to do, no if ands or buts, full stop. The trip sent a clear signal to the Russian Federation that the west is in full support of the...
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Au Gratin Hash Brown Casserole creates memories

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by Kathy Hamman Miller Good memories with this one! Mom’s tasty side dish that goes with anything makes this comforting side dish a casserole everyone loves. To try something new with this recipe. I tried adding thawed frozen veggies and rotisserie chicken pieces to this recipe and found it brought...
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My son and I make front porch the priority project

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by Denise Dykstra I have a thing about front porches. I can’t help but notice as I drive by them. I have been known to send people a note saying, “I just want you to know, your front porch is adorable. Great work on that!” If you ask my youngest...
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Ramblin’ Road: Camping is a lifestyle that we chose

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by Phyllis McCrossin It’s been an uneventful week. King and I hibernated in the trailer on Monday as the snow swirled around us. We did venture out once for a run into South Haven. I don’t even recall what it was for, but I’m sure the trip was vitally important....
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Army Bob: Give Ukraine the tools to finish its mission

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by Robert M. Traxler We are being told by the Russians in Ukraine that they are fighting the Nazis and fascists in Ukraine; the Ukrainians tell us that they are fighting the Nazi fascists in Russia? In the United States we are told that American conservatives and Republicans are fascists...
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