Category: Columns

Army Bob: U.S. support is vital to survival of Ukraine

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While speaking to Paratroopers of the 82nd Airborne Division, the “All-America Division,” in The Commonwealth of Poland, President Joe Biden March 25 handed President Vladimir Putin the best propaganda victory possible. In a gaffe, he told the paratroopers that they would see for themselves the carnage inflicted in Ukraine by the...
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One Small Voice: What can we do to help Ukrainians?

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by Lynn Mandaville An unusual thing happened for me this past Monday night when my husband and I went to the ballfield to watch our 9-year-old grandson’s little league team. It was a beautiful, warm, breezy Arizona evening at twilight.  As we drove to the ballfield, we were listening to...
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Army Bob: Top tier Russian soldiers committed crimes

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by Robert M. Traxler The Bucha Massacre in Ukraine in the northwest part of Ukraine and west of the Dnieper River was committed by the regular “professional” Russian Army soldiers, who are the best trained and equipped in the army. It is very hard to believe the crimes were committed...
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The joys and sorrows of the eldest son leaving the nest

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by Denise Dykstra My eldest and his wife supping with me and the rest of the Dykstra clan. A friend of mine and I were recently having lunch together. We have a place we meet at that seems like it’s halfway between the two of us, (though we have never...
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Ramblin’ Road: Looking forward to Kal-Haven camp

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by Phyllis McCrossin King, Petra and I pulled into the campground in South Haven Saturday, a week and a day after leaving California. We spent three days in Santa Rosa, New Mexico, waiting for winds to die down. It was an uneventful trip back to Michigan. Within the hour of...
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Stuffed pepper soup is easy, hearty meal to prepare

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Stuffed pepper soup is flavorful entree that can be made on the stove top or by use of a crockpot that makes for an easy hearty meal that everyone will enjoy! Ingredients:1 medium onion diced2 cloves garlic1 1/2 pounds of lean ground beef1/2 pound of sausage1 teaspoon Italian seasoning1 tablespoon Worcestershire...
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Army Bob: Russian people solidly support Putin

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by Robert M. Traxler The Russian people are overwhelmingly in support of President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, who has approval ratings in the 70 percent range. The average Boris and Natasha feel that invading Ukraine was forced upon them by the Ukrainians themselves, who were planning on invading Mother Russia using...
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Yes, It’s True: Too many don’t care about local news

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“But nobody seems to notice, nobody seems to care.” — The late, great comedian George Carlin As I write this, I feel like I’m under house arrest because of ice and snow in Houghton, Upper Peninsula. I am part of a two-person baby-sitting crew for grandson Corvid, while his dad,...
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My ‘foolish’ purchase of the many bright colors sweater

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These are the members of the shopping crew. I really love bright colors. When asked to share my favorite color of all, I could not. Yes, I have colors I am especially partial to. But I also can argue the point for nearly any color. However, if one were to...
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Ramblin’ Road: We make a stop on legendary Route 66

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by Phyllis McCrossin It’s late Sunday evening and I’m sitting in our trailer at Santa Rosa Lake State Park in Santa Rosa, New Mexico. King went to bed hours ago. We are hunkering down here, as there are wind advisories out for New Mexico, the Texas panhandle and Oklahoma from...
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