Category: Columns

Spaghetti pie is great for weeknight dinner, leftovers

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by Kathy Hamman Miller It’s the perfect dish for a weeknight dinner or to serve to a group of hungry guests. Leftovers can be frozen in small portions for lunches. Defrost overnight in the fridge and microwave until heated through. To make one pie you’ll need:8 ounces of regular spaghetti 1...
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Yes It’s True: The curse of taxes is they’re necessary

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“Let me tell you how it will be, there’s one for you, 19 for me… Should 5 percent appear too small, Be thankful I don’t take it all. ‘Cause I’m the tax man, yeah I’m the tax man." — The Beatles, 1965 If there’s one sure fire way for a...
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Army Bob: Mainstream media covered up for Hunter Biden

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by Robert M. Traxler The New York Times has now come out stating that the reports are authentic regarding President Joe Biden’s son Hunter and his laptop containing videos of Hunter having sex with prostitutes, doing hard drugs, and containing emails outlining very questionable if not outright illegal foreign payments...
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Bittersweet good-byes to wintering in California

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by Phyllis McCrossin Today is Tuesday. Normally I would have written my column/blog on Sunday evening, but Sunday found us babysitting while our daughter worked. We got home late and went straight to bed.  Yesterday we (our daughter, King and I) took the boys to Legoland. It wasn’t a late...
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Wayland makes ‘Pillows for heroes’ a viral campaign

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by Denise Dykstra My cousin Abby is a strong, confident, powerful woman with one of the biggest hearts. She loves fiercely and she protects fiercely. She is, and I mean this with all the respect and admiration it deserves, a true badass. We could tell some stories that she wouldn’t...
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Whether Cherries in the Cloud or in Snow, it’s good

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Depending on the time of the year, Grandma would call this favorite dessert either "Cherries in the Cloud" around Easter when we had warmer weather or Cherries in the Snow for around Christmas when it would be cold and snowy out. We’ve had quite the ride here in Michigan so...
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Army Bob: The U.S. is outsourcing world pollution

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by Robert M. Traxler President Joe Biden stopped the importation of Russian oil. Good for him, but think of this: We are now sending diplomats to Venezuela and Iran to try to make up supply, so when will we regret funding even more of our enemies? Who cares? We are...
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Mom’s trip to Shipshewana is the cure for Cabin Fever

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by Denise Dykstra My mom is the best. Here is one example of many why she is amazing. Spring redecorating is in the air. It’s as if, since we cannot get outside — Winter, please leave for good! To get busy in the gardens and yard work, we might as...
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Ramblin’ Road: We begin journey to Michigan slowly

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by Phyllis McCrossin Sunday afternoon on the road isn’t really any different from Sunday afternoon living in a brick and mortar home. King is watching golf on TV, the dog is sleeping on the sofa next to me, the windows are open and a breeze is blowing in keeping things...
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Colcannon: Just in time for St. Patrick’s Day celebration

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Colcannon is an Irish mashed potatoes recipe that has quickly become a family favorite, so I thought to share it again with you in honor of the upcoming St. Patrick’s Day holiday. Irish quote: "Happiness being a dessert so sweet, May life give you more than you can ever eat." 2...
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