Category: Columns

Army Bob: Time is on the side of Putin and Russia

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by Robert M. Traxler As predicted, Russian President Vladimir Putin did what was expected of him, and we are not in a position to stop or even limit him in Ukraine. Our response has been “tough sanctions;” the Russian Bear is quaking in its boots over that one, but in...
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One Small Voice: War is not healthy for almost everyone

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by Lynn Mandaville We’ve all watched for weeks as Vladimir Putin placed his armies all around the perimeter of Ukraine. I recognized what he was doing right from the start, and I’m not near the military mind that is my fellow Townbroadcast contributor Army Bob Traxler. It was like sitting...
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Army Bob: Russia will take at least 1/3 of Ukraine soon

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by Robert M. Traxler Russia and the Ukraine will cross swords in my opinion; it will not be pretty for Ukraine, as the Russians have overwhelming air assets and will control the battle space hundreds of miles deeper than the Forward line of Troops. The Ukraine military will be denied...
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My optimism from spring fever tops filthy snowbanks

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by Denise Dykstra "Pure Michigan" seems to be feeling purely worn out right now. I realize it’s a broad statement to claim that spring fever has caught us all, but at this very moment I am thinking of even those I know who love winter; even they are over it....
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Ramblin’ Road: Aventures in paradise come at a cost

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by Phyllis McCrossin In my previous life (before retirement) I used to talk to a lot of people. I could strike up a conversation with a total stranger and was always up for learning a little something. When we retired and took to the road, I was certain I would...
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Chicken Pot Pie Tater Tot Casserole is 2-way player

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by Kathy Hamman Miller Talk about feeding two needs with one deed! My Grands say this tastes like chicken pot pie with a bonus of another of their favorites — tater tots. I put this together the night before, but it's really quick to make right away. Great for busy...
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One Small Voice: Why let dumb things bother me so?

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by Lynn Mandaville Lately, it seems, I’m bothered by the dumbest things. Take Super Bowl LVI for example.   The game itself, its half-time show, and the advertisers who compete with both for our attention.   Like I said, bothered by dumb things.   Well, that’s not entirely accurate.  To be clearer, the...
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Yes It’s True: Buyer beware for on-line gambling sites

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“A fool and his money are soon parted” — An old English proverb first attributed to Thomas Tusser in Five Hundred Pointes of Good Husbandrie, 1573 “There’s a sucker born every minute” — Often attributed to 19th century showman P.T. Barnum P.T. Barnum I hear tell that the casino industry in...
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Army Bob: First smoke jumpers were WWII African American soldiers

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by Robert M. Traxler A few weeks ago, I had cataract surgery in one eye, and two weeks later the second eye. I can’t say it was fun, far from it, but except for a few restrictions on lifting and needing to use sunglasses, it was surprisingly easy. Fasting after...
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Basura: Are the stakes that high for a proper baptism?

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Mark 16:16, KJV: "He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned." A Catholic priest has resigned after a church investigation found he performed invalid baptisms throughout most of his 20-year career, according to Bishop Thomas Olmsted of the Diocese of Phoenix....
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