Category: Columns

I was the designated driver for a doctor’s appointment

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Denise Dykstra I was the designated driver for a doctor’s appointment. I was told I would be in a waiting room with no one else there, HGTV would be on the television, and that the wait would be about two hours. I was lied to. When I arrived, someone else...
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Ramblin’ Road: My 1st visit with Ox Bow in Saugatuck

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by Phyllis McCrossin They say the sense of smell is a strong memory trigger, and they (whoever they are) are probably right. But, I’d have to add that music is as well. The music took me back a few years. Tonight, in order to drown out a remake of The...
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Great Aunt Rena’s recipe just in time for Valentine

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This is how to make Great Aunt Rena's no-church ice cream treat. Ingredients: 1-12 ounce can Evaporated Milk1 cup whole milk 25 large marshmallows  Directions: The old recipe calls to scald the milk,which is done by whisking it over medium heat until small bubbles appear around the outside edge of the...
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Supt. Update focuses on safety and 2022 bond issue

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Bond Project 2022 Thank you to those who responded to the MRA-EPIC telephone survey about our upcoming bond project. The results are favorable demonstrating support of our proposals so far Tower-Pinkster and Triangle will provide a presentation of the project at 6 p.m. Monday, Feb. 21, at the Board of...
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Army Bob: Putin holds best cards in Ukraine standoff

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NATO is at a crossroads. It was designed to counter the USSR and later the Warsaw Pact. The question is, is NATO going to prevent the reconstitution of the of the USSR with its very effective alliances and control over Eastern Europe? Ukraine, Georgia, and Hungary are vital to a...
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One Small Voice: There’s a better way to handle books

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by Lynn Mandaville For at least five generations, at least two of them behind me, and two of them ahead of me, my family has regarded public libraries as egalitarian wonders of civilization. At a time in the 1950s, when buying books was limited to one Little Golden Book for...
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It’s possible to reap rewards from this ‘Ho-Hum season’

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by Denise Dykstra Cash the Cat tries to interfere with knitting. I was recently at a basketball game and saw some friends I haven’t seen in a while. My boys don’t play basketball and I have never been a fan of attending. I am afraid a basketball may somehow find...
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Ramblin’ Road: A snippet of romanticized good ole days

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Phyllis McCrossin by Phyllis McCrossin Life is returning to our normal. We left the Fortress of Solitude this weekend and joined the rest of the world. The boys spent the night with us Saturday night, as their mother had to meet some clients in our area on Sunday. They stayed...
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Area retirees group shares recipe for burnt grapes dish

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by Kathy Hamman Miller Burnt Grapes This delicious recipe was brought back from a small community of retirees who were gracious enough to share a favorite of theirs. And yes, the name of this is burnt grapes! I’m guessing from the brown caramel topping as there is not a hint...
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Trouble always seems to find Barry Sheriff Dar Leaf

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Dialogue from a scene in the 1956 movie, “The Lone Ranger”: The Lone Ranger: “Try to stay out of trouble, Tonto.” Tonto: “Tonto no go looking for trouble, but trouble always seems to find Tonto.” I quoted this scene in a column I wrote several years ago about former Major...
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