Category: Columns

Our date night a change of pace from athletic events

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by Denise Dykstra This past week, the weekly high school football game was canceled.  My husband was a sad, I cannot even find the words to describe. During the week, he has a countdown to when the game will be.  He thinks ahead of how to map out the best...
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Yes It’s True: We have zero power in redistricting game

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"Hey ho, don't worry. You know you can't win. No matter who you vote for, the government always gets in." — The Bonzo Dog Band Allegan County for the next 10 years will have five commissioners' districts instead of seven. I hear tell there’s been some wailing and gnashing of...
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Army Bob: Ranger Rick is a casualty of woke culture

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by Robert M. Traxler Part of the fallout from my friend Ranger Rick’s resigning under pressure from penning his Townbroadcast column is that he was a foil, a shield from the predictable attacks from the liberal/socialist movement. Ranger Rick wore proudly the mantle of a right-wing zealot; he has said,...
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A friend gives good advice to navigate sports seasons

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by Denise Dykstra We are smack dab in the middle of sports season here at our home. I am regularly reminding my boys to write their schedule or plans on the calendar.  Because it’s not just sports season, it’s teenager season.  The boys have the craziest of busy social schedules...
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Ramblin’ Road: Suddenly active campground buzzing

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by Phyllis McCrossin It’s Saturday. I think. Now that I’m two weeks into my second retirement the days are, once again, beginning to blend together. To be honest, I truly do know it’s Saturday because the Michigan v Rutgers game is on TV. Now that I don’t come home from...
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One Small Voice: Yes, Army Bob gets under my skin

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by Lynn Mandaville I don’t like to admit it, but Robert Traxler ("Army Bob") knows how to get under my skin.  And I bet he likes it. I sometimes think that maybe I get under his skin, too.  And when I think I have done that, I like it, too....
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Army Bob: Did Gen. Mark Milley commit treason?

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In response to the last Army Bob column, a commenter asked about my thoughts on the accusation that General Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, committed treason, if the allegations contained in Mr. Bob Woodward and Mr. Robert Costa’s new book "Peril" are true. “I believe that...
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Losing Cash was a lot like losing the bad dog Marley

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by Denise Dykstra We had a stressful 24 hours in which we lost our Cash. I should begin by letting you know, Cash is a cat.  We have two eight year old cats named Waylon and Hank. Also, as you have been previously introduced to, Liberty our dog. This spring,...
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Wayland superintendent addresses incident issues

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by Dr. Christina Hinds Dr. Christina Hinds Last week, two incidents occurred at our high school. The first incident involved one student who was physically assaulted by three other students. A second unrelated incident occurred later in the afternoon, when one student was physically assaulted by another student. Both students...
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Ramblin’ Road: Our space challenges are overcome

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by Phyllis McCrossin I can’t believe we are entering year three of living full-time in our travel trailer. It’s a lot of togetherness, but we’ve found ways to make it work. The other day I ran into a friend at the grocery store. She and her husband travel to warmer...
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