Category: Columns

Yes It’s True: It’s Gambee’s fault for ‘discovering’ moi

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"Wherever the newspapers are filled with good news, the jails are filled with good people." — Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan Jon Gambee, when he was Martin High School baseball coach. A message to all those who don’t like me or my screeds — put the blame on Jon Gambee. If...
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One Small Voice: Norm Macdonald spoke to my dark side

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by Lynn Mandaville His name was not a household word. His was not a delicate mainstream comedy. Those of us who were familiar with his work had not heard much of or from him in quite a long time.  Almost a decade, in fact, though he was working on various...
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Army Bob: Should we just let the unvaccinated die?

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by Robert M. Traxler If you contract Covid-19 and did not get vaccinated, you need to just die, right? Well according to many on the left you should. So much for the caring, loving, compassionate socialist movement; and these are the people who want to socialize our medical system. I...
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Yes It’s True: Ref shortage is a problem of our making

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WHS grad Pat Wilde in his officiating days. The Martin athletic program is feeling the sting of a shortage of referees. The Clippers were forced to play football Saturday rather than the customary Friday against Gobles. A poster on the Martin Pride Facebook page reported today: “We are going to...
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I fell in love with the old school flavor at County Fair

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In 2019, I fell in love with the Allegan County Fair. One morning I was at the Needleworks end of the barn when the large door was raised open for me.  There, outside the barn, were all the people beginning their day at the fair as well.  The sun was...
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Ramblin Road: Another dog — So that didn’t take long

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by Phyllis McCrossin Saturday was my last day of work at the department store in South Haven. I liked the job, enjoyed the people I worked with, and even the customers were pleasant (for the most part). But I’m also relieved it’s over. I’m not one to be able to...
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One Small Voice: Growing up female, growing up absurd

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by Lynn Mandaville Tonight, at the close of my 71st birthday, I find myself reflecting on what it has meant to grow up female in the latter half of the 20th Century America and reach real maturity in the 21st. It’s been a promising trip.  So far. In the part...
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Army Bob: We’ll pay a price for leaving Afghanistan

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by Robert M. Traxler To the detractors of this column — once again, this is an opinion column. And it is my opinion that the cutting and running in Afghanistan, coupled with President Joe Biden’s long history of not supporting anti-terrorism actions (like the mission to kill Osama bin Laden,...
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‘Liberty’ story helps explain why we have no neighbors

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by Denise Dykstra We were chatting in our driveway recently with some neighbors who had stopped by to pick up some produce from us.  We were leaning against the car, chatting about this and that as neighbors do, and this story was brought up. This story, although years old now,...
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Ramblin’ Road: I announce DK’s sad and tragic ending

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by Phyllis McCrossin Another long week. And suddenly it’s Monday and David T. Young is reminding me I’m late with my column. In all my years as a reporter/editor, I never missed a deadline, but apparently retirement has done something to my sense of urgency and I’m thinking it’s not...
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