Category: Columns

Army Bob: Cancel Culture strikes home, Ranger Rick

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by Robert M. Traxler The cancel culture has seeped into the fabric of our nation, to even include the Town Broadcast. Ranger Rick was cancelled; what and who are next? History has shown us that the fascists and other socialist movements did not need to censor the media -- the...
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The joy of making, eating soft and sweet sticky buns

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by Kathy Hamman Miller Sticky buns are the perfect soft and sweet bun that will melt in your mouth at the first bite. It was Saturday morning treat for when friends and family would stop in and a favorite of us kids. The smell of these baking is better than...
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Ramblin’ Road: My dad had my back in days gone by

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Happy Father’s Day. I had a rather pleasant surprise this week. I was walking DK Friday morning when a woman stepped out from behind her trailer and said, “Hello Phyllis. How are you doing?” I did a double take. I knew I sort of knew her. She had a familiar...
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Yes It’s True: Lady Wildcats have had a helluva year

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“So close, so close, and yet so far.” — Frankie Valli, “My Eyes Adored You,” 1975 “I coulda been a contenda.” — Marlon Brando, in “On the Waterfront.” Emma Ludema earned the honor of playing in the state quarterfinals this year in two different sports. When I heard the news...
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Ranger Rick resigns from writing for Townbroadcast

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After more than nine years of writing a weekly column for Townbroadcast, Ranger Rick has resigned. Ranger Rick was the nom de plume for the author, who wished to remain anonymous, and Townbroadcast Editor David T. Young agreed, believing it was important to add conservative voices to the publication.. He wrote...
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Masks optional in Wayland summer school sessions

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Dr. Christina Hinds Yesterday, Governor Whitmer announced an accelerated plan to reopen our state. Beginning Tuesday, June 22, all gathering restrictions will be lifted and face masks will no longer be required. COVID-19 testing for student athletes will be discontinued. The announcement specified that additional guidance for schools regarding face...
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Army Bob: Woke media and culture promote socialism

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by Robert M. Traxler Judge people by the content of their character, not the color of their skin. Rev. Doctor Martin Luther King set this as a goal in the bad old days of segregation. Having attended high school in the deep south in the 1960s, I can testify to...
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Father’s Day gift turns me into me into Mower Mama

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This Sunday is Father’s Day, so it may seem odd to share with you about Mother’s Day but hey, it’s a good story. When we first moved from the farmhouse to our home in town, our new to us home came with a great big yard.  My husband went to...
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One Small Voice: Holiday Juneteenth is a big deal

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Oh, happy happy joy joy, happy happy joy!  Happy happy joy joy, happy happy joy!  (I believe I am pirating this exclamation of happiness from Ren & Stimpy, a cartoon show from the 90s?) Or Behold I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people!! ...
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Ranger Rick: Biden buckles before other world leaders

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The last 145 days of Joe Biden's time in the presidency has been one of drippy honeymoon love from the media.  No daily confrontations like with Trump, it is a lovefest from the Summer of Love (1967).  Yes, I remember it well.  I was a young man on the loose...
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