by Phyllis McCrossin Saturday was my last day of work at the department store in South Haven. I liked the job, enjoyed the people I worked with, and even the…
by Lynn Mandaville Tonight, at the close of my 71st birthday, I find myself reflecting on what it has meant to grow up female in the latter half of the…
by Robert M. Traxler To the detractors of this column — once again, this is an opinion column. And it is my opinion that the cutting and running in Afghanistan,…
by Denise Dykstra We were chatting in our driveway recently with some neighbors who had stopped by to pick up some produce from us. We were leaning against the car,…
by Phyllis McCrossin Another long week. And suddenly it’s Monday and David T. Young is reminding me I’m late with my column. In all my years as a reporter/editor, I…
Not long ago and not far away, I learned that the crucial difference between me and the Tea Party stalwarts in American politics was in the interpretation of the U.S.…
by Robert M. Traxler I have been an Afghan for 312 years, a Muslim for 1421 years and a Pashtun, Tajiks, Hazaras, Hazaras, Baloch,and 11 others for 8000 years. This…
by Phyllis McCrossin A friend is considering hitting the road, at least temporarily, and seeing what adventures await her. She has many, many questions. It’s interesting to note she thinks…
by Lynn Mandaville Have you ever read the list of ingredients on the bag in which your store-bought bread is packaged? Here are some of the ingredients from the bag…