Category: Columns

Ranger Rick: Reflections on Wall in D.C., Memorial Day

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The first time I was in Washington D.C., I visited the Vietnam Wall.  I thought it would be a good thing to see since I was of age during the war and many of the names on that wall could have been me or someone I knew. I don't know...
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The more things change, they really stay the same?

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Because I don’t watch much television these days as an aging curmudgeon, I have turned to Podcasts for my entertainment and/or edification. Today I was treated to a brand spanking new entry “Now and Then,” not “Then & Now,” featuring history professors Heather Cox Richardson and Joanne Freeman. I tuned...
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Ramblin’ Road: Don’t forget reason for Memorial Day

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It is Memorial Day weekend: The kick-off for the summer season. But while we are celebrating with family gatherings, picnics and burgers on the grill, let us not forget the reason for the holiday. Every year on Memorial Day weekend I make the following post on Facebook. It is an...
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U.S. needs to hear it: ‘When will we ever learn history?’

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EDITOR’S NOTE: This column was written almost two years ago, and now that we finally are pulling out of Afghanistan, I think it's timely. And never forget Georges Santayana’s famous warning: “Those who don’t learn from history are condemned to repeat it.” Lt. Tirebiter: “What about the Gooks?” Pico: “Bad...
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One Small Voice: 2 phrases that should be banished

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by Lynn Mandaville The late W.T. Rabe, a former public relations director at Lake Superior State University, along with fellow faculty and staff, created the first list of words and phrases “that people love to hate” at a New Year’s Eve party in 1975. That first list of words and...
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Army Bob: We must call out the ‘let them die’ socialists

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by Robert M. Traxler In a recent editorial our esteemed editor made the point that we all should still mask up, as no one knows for sure who is vaccinated and who is not. Fair point; I will still mask up even though I am fully vaccinated, but at this...
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Army Bob: Pipelines in U.S. bad, Russian pipeline good

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EDITOR'S NOTE: Ranger Rick is on vacation this week and he asked Army Bob to pinch hit for him today in the continuing effort to promote the "write the right is right" movement on this on-line rag. by Robert M. Traxler I received a communication from a reader who said...
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Ramblin’ Road: Cleanliness is next to godliness in store

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by Phyllis McCrossin Though the calendar says it is not quite summer, for most of us Memorial Day weekend marks the beginning of the summer season. Yesterday was perfect tourist weather and shoppers were out in droves in South Haven. Summer is the make or break season for downtown businesses....
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Yes It’s True: Reporting of feats not all created equal

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“All animals are created equal but some are more equal than others.” — George Orwell, “Animal Farm I have come to the unpleasant conclusion that for many years I have been a willing participant in an exercise that promotes certain people while ignoring others, perhaps just as deserving. My hat goes off...
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Army Bob: China getting a climate change free pass

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by Robert M. Traxler This is the third column on the end-of-the-world promise, guarantee, undeniable truth, and only one person has risen to defend the “settled, undeniable science.” We need to ask why. An article in the Daily Wire, a conservative news outlet, reported on the socialist utopia of the...
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