The recent spate of social media posts and news reports of people who refuse to get free, potentially life-saving Covid vaccines reminds me painfully of two stories about people I…
by Robert M. Traxler Dr. Anthony Fauci has moved the definition of herd immunity from 60% to 70% to 75% to 80% to 85%, MEDPAGE TODAY. Man-made viruses morph or…
by Denise Dykstra This week I attended our school’s school board meeting. They had some decisions that were being made and I wanted to hear what was going to happen.…
by Phyllis McCrossin I observe people and things. It’s what I do. Even before becoming a journalist I would watch people and how they reacted to different things. I didn’t…
by Lynn Mandaville We are still experiencing a deadly pandemic in this country. This pandemic is a health crisis that has been manipulated by a particular political faction to be…
Butterscotch Cake by Kathy Hamman Miller Preheat oven to 350 degrees For the cake: In medium mixing bowl stir together the following dry ingredients and set aside: 1/4 teaspoon salt…
The Allegan County Health Department's issuance of orders for all school districts to mask up students in grades K-6 has prompted political responses from the Allegan County Board of Commssioners,…
“I don’t watch TV.” Millennial co-worker by Walter G. Tarrow Again, the question is no longer so much what you are watching but HOW are you watching. And this question…
by Robert M. Traxler More Americans died last weekend in Chicago than died in Afghanistan in the last 18 months. The good folks in the woke media and the leaders…