Category: Columns

Ramblin’ Road: Can’t you buy with cash any more?

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by Phyllis McCrossin Phyllis McCrossin I think I officially morphed into my parents this weekend, and it all started with a trip to a cell phone store. Now, I realize my parents would never have been able to maneuver the technology road into cell phone use. My mother had a...
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Ranger Rick: Chicago needs some good guys with guns

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I love the springtime.  The peepers and frogs start peeping, chirping, and croaking.  The rabbits are out at night, sparking to make little bunnies. And the nightly and weekend killing keeps happening in Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, and many other cities across the nation.  Mostly black on black shootings and killings....
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Army Bob: Hatred of police approaching unsafe levels

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by Robert M. Traxler A baby is born, minutes old, the little bundle of joy is coming into the world, loved by its mother, father and family. So wonderful, what a blessing… not so fast -- if the child is white, it is a vile racist at the moment of...
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Not all recipes for butternut squash are created equal

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by Kathy Hamman Miller Butternut squash The following ingredients are what I used, but as you know, all squash will be different in size so see fit to adjust. 1/4 cup butter 1/4 teaspoon Lawry's seasoning salt 1/3 cup cup brown sugar To prepare: Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Wash...
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Ramblin’ Road: ‘Michigan Libtard’ comes back home

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by Phyllis McCrossin Now that we are settled into the campground, I’m guessing things are going to start falling into a routine fairly quickly — though it’s been an interesting start to the season. The cooler weather did not prompt much growth in the lawn department, so King, who is...
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Army Bob: President Biden’s gun proposals are perilous

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by Robert M. Traxler President Joe Biden has announced an outline to expand gun control. Front and center in the President’s plan is a “modification” of the ATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms) rules on pistol braces. Most folks have no idea what a pistol brace even is, but...
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Ranger Rick: Point by point rebuttal to a sign in Bradley

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At the southeast corner of Bradley, there is a sign in a front yard.  I've seen it a few times but really took a good look at it while waiting for traffic to clear.  It states: We Believe - Black Lives Matter - Women's Rights = Human Rights - No...
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Recipes for goulash vary greatly; here’s Grandma’s:

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by Kathy Hamman Miller Goulash is an enduring favorite, especially for people of Eastern European descent. There are many different recipes, but this was Grandma's: 1 - 12 ounce box of tri-color rotini, cooked according to package directions. Al dente - tender, but firm to the bite. While waiting for...
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Ramblin’ Road: King and I are back in South Haven

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Phyllis McCrossin by Phyllis McCrossin King and I arrived back in Michigan late Wednesday afternoon. It wasn’t what I’d call a leisurely trip home, but we didn’t over exert ourselves either. Some days we drove seven hours; other days we drove five. What I’ve discovered is when you don’t stop...
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Army Bob: Must we replace science with socialism?

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by Robert M. Traxler In a recent editorial, the owner of this esteemed publication, a man we all need to thank for his darn near single-handed labor of love, the Town Broadcast, wrote, “Our inertia very well could cost us in dealing effectively with very serious issues such as climate...
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