Category: Editorial

Why did Allegan County GOP diss Tom Jessup?

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ACHTUNG: This is not a “fair and balanced” article. It is an editorial by the editor. "In one-party system, you have one party. In two-party system, you have two parties. In multi-party system, you have... more than two parties." — Dr. Sunjook Junn, GVSU professor What the hell is going...
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Guest editorial: Urban sprawl continues to be a problem here

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by David Britten The continued sale of farmland for expansion of housing developments in Gaines Township and neighboring Byron Township is troubling. The loss of rural wildlife areas and their food sources are driving more groundhogs, skunks, deer, and even the rare coyote and fox into the suburban areas. Won’t...
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Who should determine what the Wildcat logo looks like?

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To the editor: After months of contemplation, I've decided it's time to share my thoughts with Townbroadcast. Recent comments on the Wayland Youth Sports Facebook page questioning the purchase of apparel with a different Wayland Union Wildcat logo prompted me to speak up. The Wayland Union football program is starting...
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Arny Rodriguez tells his side of the parking story:

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My personal and professional supporters encouraged me to respond to the inaccuracies and personal attacks I am receiving here. I hesitate to answer the accusations considering the biased source. Let me start by asking why none of you have come to talk to me about your concerns. Is it because...
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Should local taxes be used to create a ‘healthy bidness climate?’

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ACHTUNG: This is not a “fair and balanced” article. It is an editorial by the editor. “The purpose of gummint is to create a healthy bidness climate.” — An unknown Texas state legislator quoted by Molly Ivins “The purpose of government is to solve problems and be a fair referee.”...
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Hopkins Twp. supervisor messed with the tribe and lost his job

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ACHTUNG: The following is not a "fair and balanced" article. It is an editorial by the editor. I admit to being astonished by one election result from Tuesday’s primary. I was surprised that Hopkins Township Supervisor Mark Evans was upended by political novice Cade Bolser. I was even more surprised...
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Let’s cut back early voting period from 9 to 3 days

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ACHTUNG: This is not a “fair and balanced” article. It is an editorial by the editor. EDITOR'S NOTE: I published this editorial last winter right after the presidential primary. I'm doubling down on my position because the same problems have presented themselves again, and a change is needed for the...
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Please re-elect Mark Evans Hopkins Twp. supervisor

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To the editor: Mark Evans We send this letter to urge local citizens to vote to re-elect Mark Evans as Hopkins Township Supervisor in the Aug. 6 primary. The position of township supervisor is a thankless one. It is a challenging role that involves managing and making decisions on a...
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What’s the big deal about schools ‘branding?’

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ACHTUNG: This is not a “fair and balanced” article. It is an editorial by the editor. “What mighty contests arise from trivial things.” — Alexander Pope Though I have long considered such issue as merely cosmetic, there indeed have been mighty contests over mascots, icons, logos and brands associated with...
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I try to avoid free ads for the rich and famous

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ACHTUNG: This is not a "fair and balanced" article. It is an editorial by the editor. Jill Biden Jennifer Franholm I have a history of being reluctant to make a big deal about celebrities, and this habit hasn’t made me any friends.When somebody famous shows up in my town and...
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