Category: Editorial

Let’s make all of our local elections non-partisan

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ACHTUNG: This is not a “fair and balanced” article. It is an editorial by the editor. Because the two-party political system in the United States has deteriorated so badly over the last four decades, I hereby call for all elections below the state level to be non-partisan. Yes, under my...
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The beat goes on: Racism disease won’t go away

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ACHTUNG: The following is not a fair and balanced story. It is an editorial by the editor. Jalen Kisner EDITOR'S NOTE: I published this editorial more than four years ago after reports of racial harassment against Hopkins High School student-athlete Jalen Kisner. Hopkins earlier this year held a forum on...
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GOP orchestrating cynical opposition to mail-in voting

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ACHTUNG: This is not a “fair and balanced” article. It is an editorial by the editor. Kudos to Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson today for announcing that her office will make absentee mail-in ballot applications available to every registered voter in Michigan. Benson’s move is smart and common sense for...
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Where art thou, Hopkins Twp. legal battle vs. Tribe?

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EDITOR'S NOTE: Thaddeus Morgan, the attorney for Hopkins Township in the matter of the Nowak property being taken into trust by the Gun Lake Tribe, Sunday morning replied to my e-mail inquiry, with a terse "No." This means the township and Morgan have not severed their relationship. ACHTUNG: This is...
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Lady Clippers disappointed, but it was one heckuva ride

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To our fans and the Martin community: As the days have passed since our season was canceled, I have had a lot of time to reflect on the amazing run we had this year. As heartbreaking and disappointing it was having our season canceled the day we were supposed to...
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So Dorr Twp. Board doesn’t take Coronavirus seriously

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ACHTUNG: This is not a “fair and balanced” article. It is an editorial by the editor. “Plug ‘we take’ and ‘very seriously’ into a Google News or Yahoo News search. You'll get hundreds of hits, albeit some repeats, where some big institution — corporate, educational, government, whatever — makes a...
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I am an unapologetic supporter of Medicare for All

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ACHTUNG: This is not a “fair and balanced” article. It is an editorial by the editor. I have a confession that will surprise virtually no one who knows me or reads this publication. I am a strong supporter of a single-payer, Medicare for All health care system for the United...
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The Eve of Destruction or the Dawn of Correction?

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ACHTUNG: This is not a "fair and balanced" article. It is an editorial by the editor. One scene in the classic Disney movie “Bambi” might best explain the dilemma many Americans face with getting back to work during the most extraordinary health crisis in at least a century. When men...
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All Hopkins school votes May 5 should be via mail

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ACHTUNG: This is not a “fair and balanced” article. It is an editorial by the editor. I said it before, and I’ll say it again. I resolutely urge all eligible citizens in the Hopkins school district to vote in the Tuesday, May 5, special election via absentee ballot. Yes, by...
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Then & Now wants to document COVID-19 crisis

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To the editor: As I'm sitting at my desk in an empty library (Then & Now Historical Library in downtown Dorr),m the thought occurred to me that us historically minded people have a job to do. I had sent e-mails out to members suggesting they keep a journal documenting their...
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