Category: Editorial

Sharing family medical history can someday save lives

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To the editor: During my journey through a diagnosis of advanced, aggressive prostate cancer I have been trying to let folks know the importance of passing on our family’s medical history. David Young, editor of this esteemed publication, has joined me in this effort; a cancer survivor and all-around good...
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I’ll support more police officers if they change priorities

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ACHTUNG: This is not a "fair and balanced" story. It is an editorial by the editor. I hear tell the Allegan County Sheriff's Department and County Board of Commissioners have been wrestling with an issue of seeking a millage request in next year's primary election in order to get more...
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City should not prohibit sales of farm fresh eggs locally

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ACHTUNG: This is not a "fair and balanced" story. It is an editorial by the editor. Wayland City Councilman Rick Mathis was correct Monday night in his assessment of adopting a local ordinance permitting residents to have chickens. Mathis insisted that the city will need to hire an ordinance enforcement...
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A free speech issue has been hijacked for propaganda

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ACHTUNG: This is not a "fair and balanced" story. It is an editorial by the editor. “An' I don't mind 'em switchin' sides, An' standin' up for things they believe in. When they're runnin' down my country, man, They're walkin' on the fightin' side of me.” — Merle Haggard, 1970,...
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We don’t want information, we want to be entertained

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Former State Rep. Lynn Jondahl, who was co-speaker of the Michigan House of Representatives with Paul Hillegonds in that institution's golden age, once gave a presentation in which he asserted that not only are we not solving our most pressing problems, we're not even talking about them. Jondahl asked the...
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Rules for conduct of public hearings need tweaking

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ACHTUNG: This is not a "fair and balanced" story. It is an editorial by the editor. The rules of conduct for public hearings need to be changed, or at least tweaked. Over the last decade, I personally have seen three hearings, which are supposed to better inform the public about...
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Watson Township Board should heed Sir Edmund Burke

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“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” — Sir Edmund Burke Sir Edmund Burke This famous quote applies to members of the Watson Township Board. During the past two meetings, Supervisor Kevin Travis has been allowed free reign to appoint a...
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Assessor’s resignation proves Dorr Contras resurgent

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Terri Rios The news this week that Dorr Township Assessor Patti Sampley has Patti Sampley resigned merely bolsters my assertion that the Contras are resurgent in local politics and the consequences are obvious. Sampley, in announcing her resignation, told the Penasee Globe, "Since the past election and change in elected...
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Houston tragedy demonstrates need for bugout bags

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Houston, Texas, is a classic example of tough choices that face the good folks who are in municipal planning. Having spent the last 25 years involved with Planning Commissions and Zoning Boards and getting halfway through a Master’s in Public Administration, and working in two different states, I have seen...
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An open letter to Army Bob – Lose your hate!

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  To the editor: From one who served his country in both the military and its community, I call on Army Bob to “lose your hate.” It’s not becoming for one who also has honorably served his country in the military and community. McCarthyism is a term used to describe...
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