Category: Editorial

It’s early yet, but I support school bond proposal Nov. 7

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ACHTUNG: This is not a fair and balanced story. It is an editorial by the editor. Not long ago I told readers about my lifetime “first” in voting against school millage requests May 2. Just a little more than a month later, I hereby announce another first — I support the...
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There still are serious questions about city property sale

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I am responding to the recent Townbroadcast article, "City committee to negotiate sale of disputed parcel" for a number of reasons: • The photo location is incorrect, this is the southeast corner of 133rd Street & Reno. The land in question is within the northeast corner of 133rd Street and Reno, north...
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Let’s let the voters do the term limiting of public officials

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To the editor: RE: Editorial about applying term limits policy to Dorr Township. by Lynne Mandaville It is so easy for some people to boil situations down to “let’s get rid of the person.” When discontent arises, it’s often a combination of factors that create a situation, so rather than...
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It’s foolhardy to apply term limits policy to Dorr Township

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ACHTUNG: This is not a fair and balanced story. It is an editorial by the editor. It continues to amaze me how many people still are misled by the promise and failure of term limits. This nasty business reared its ugly head once again Thursday night at the Dorr Township...
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So Rep. Johnson doesn’t believe in govt. ‘for the people’

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ACHTUNG: This is not a "fair and balanced" story. It is an editorial by the editor. “Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth.” — Abraham Lincoln It will perish from the Earth if people like State Rep. Steven Johnson continue in...
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Neither Mr. Nickels, nor Mr. Otto were ‘coached’ on land sale

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Since the WOOD-TV “news” story last week, there has been quite a bit of misinformation regarding the land sale between the City of Wayland and Keith Nickels and Josh Otto. There is a perception that Mr. Nickels and Mr. Otto were “coached” in terms of what to offer for the...
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The ‘Rest of the Story’ about the city’s sweetheart land deal

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ACHTUNG: The following is not a "fair and balanced" story. It is an editorial by the editor. The City of Wayland’s purported “sweetheart deal” for a 25-acre parcel deserves a Paul Harvey-style “Rest of the Story” comment. At first glance, there is good reason for outrage over the City Council...
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Too much misinformation being spread about football field

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To the editor: I normally don’t take to publicly sharing thoughts, but I can’t stand by and let inaccurate information be spread about our program and facilities. With that being said, I’d like to focus on your claims about the football field. To begin, the football field was approximately 1/55th...
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Don’t overlook family history in seeking prevention of disease

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To the editor: Family history is getting to be more important in disease prevention as our population ages. During the diagnosis phase of my fight with cancer, doctors kept asking if I had a family history of prostate cancer. I just did not know; both my grandfathers died before I...
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Election’s wake — schools should pare down bond proposal

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Members of the Wayland Board of Education will go back to the drawing board Monday night to try to decide what to do in the wake of the defeat of two bond proposals. Perhaps the saddest outcome of what happened last Tuesday, besides the resounding defeat, is the misguided notion...
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