Category: Editorial

Why I’m reluctantly voting ‘no’ on school bond issues

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To my fellow voters in the Wayland Union school district: I am a proud father of two 5-year-olds who will be attending kindergarten at Baker School this fall.  My kids would be some of the first to attend the proposed new 4/5 building with approval of the bond election Tuesday....
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May 2 school bond election will be a milestone for me

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The May 2 election will be a milestone for me. It will mark the first time in my more than 45 years of voting that I have not supported a school bond or millage request. Yes, that’s right — I’m voting “no” on both proposals. I have four reasons, and...
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Let’s continue our commitment to quality local schools

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Dear Wayland Union Schools voters, Why would an 81- year-old veteran with no children currently in the Wayland Union Schools want to vote “yes” to the current bond proposals? A strong school system improves neighborhoods and makes the school district more attractive and appealing. All members have the responsibility to...
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Good to see new bragging sign, but it needs tweaking

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ACHTUNG: This is not a fair and balanced story. It is an editorial by the editor. Local crews were busy this past week installing new signs with bragging rights, welcoming motorists to the city. The reason for the newest sign was that the Wayland High School softball team won the...
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‘Corner Curse’ may be beaten in sesquicentennial year

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ACHTUNG: This is not a fair and balanced story. It is an editorial by the editor. There are two curious sidebars accompanying the recent news about the flurry of activity at the old Gurney’s IGA building on the northwest corner of downtown Wayland. One is that the people responsible for...
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Government doesn’t solve problems, it serves the rich

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“If men were angels, no government would be necessary.” — James Madison  “My goal is to cut government in half in twenty-five years, to get it down to the size where we can drown it in the bathtub.” — Grover Norquist ACHTUNG: This is not a fair and balanced story....
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Change made basketball and the U.S. Constitution better

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ACHTUNG: This is not a fair and balanced story. It is an editorial by the editor. The Founding Fathers of the United States Constitution and Dr. James Naismith have a lot more in common than you might imagine. Both came up with a terrific, “game-changing” idea and it would have...
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We Americans don’t really have freedom of speech

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"Now you free speech boys have your fun now, but after November Fifth, ya'll through." — George Wallace on the presidential campaign trail in 1968. ACHTUNG: This is not a fair and balanced article. It is an editorial by the editor. We Americans so often like to say our brave...
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We can’t stop bullying by worshipping at altar of violence

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ACHTUNG: This is not a fair and balanced story. It is an editorial by the editor. "A bowl a day keeps the bullies away." — TV advertisement in the 1970s for Apple Jacks cereal. It was sad to see, hear and read that Hopkins school district parents passed along complaints...
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So who benefits from continuing a divided America?

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“You know, I laid out a doctrine. You just got to know it still stands. It says, ‘Either you’re with us, either you love freedom, and with nations which embrace freedom, or you’re with the enemy.’ There’s no in-between, and that doctrine still stands.” — George W. Bush, November 2001...
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