Category: Editorial

Salem Township showed the way in dealing with dust control

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ACHTUNG: The following is not a "fair and balanced" story. It is an editorial by the editor. At the risk of being misunderstood again, I submit another example that taxes are necessary evils surfaced this week in Hopkins Township. I hear tell from the Penasee Globe, some residents appeared at...
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Is Islamic terrorism now targeting gay Americans?

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To the editor: The reports of yet one more terrorist attack in the United States have put 50 dead and 53 wounded. The fact that the terrorist performed the massacre in an establishment in Florida known as a gathering place for gay folks in the area is extremely troubling. The...
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Sizable crowd encouraging at forum about school needs

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ACHTUNG: The following is a not a "fair and balanced" story. It is an editorial by the editor. A funny thing happened at the school forum Wednesday evening. A good crowd showed up. Obviously, this is reassuring in a day and age when cynicism too often drives the public’s behavior....
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Is Mrs. Clinton the first female to run for president?

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To the editor: The long and short answer is no, Hillary Clinton is not the first woman to seek the presidency. In my opinion, every reporter and television commentator needs to learn how to use Google. The media will tell us how smart they are and how hard they work...
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State Legislature values money more than public safety

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Safety first? Not in the Michigan State Legislature. Our incompetent lawmakers in Lansing are at it again, placing a higher value on the almighty dollar than the welfare of citizens. This time it’s the effort to raise the speed limit on rural highways to 75 miles per hour. I have...
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AG Schuette is spreading Gamrat-Courser Fatigue

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I am suffering from Gamrat-Courser Fatigue, a disease I just made up, caused by publicity-obssessed Michigan Attorney General William Schuette. For those who may already have forgotten, but I doubt it, Cindy Gamrat and Todd Courser are two disgraced former state legislators who lost their $80,000-a-year jobs in Lansing last...
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I hope they’ve got their man, without rush to judgment

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I have two fervent hopes about the recent publicity in which a 46-year-old Muskegon man is charged with trying to abduct a 16-year-old girl. One hope is that it turns out Jeffrey Willis really is the one who killed Jessica Heeringa and Rebekah Bletsch. That way the families of both...
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I urge Dorr citizens resolutely to approve fire millage

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Dorr Township voters again will be asked in the Aug. 2 primary to approve millage requests for fire equipment replacement and for repairing, maintaining and improving local roads. Both have been rejected in the past, but township officials insist they both are critical to meet local future needs. I plan...
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State lawmakers continue supporting rich, dissing poor

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Corporate welfare is nothing new. It’s been around a long time. It reared its ugly head most famously late in 2008 when the federal government, under the leadership of President George W. Bush, told us U.S. taxpayers would have to bail out those reckless risk-taking banks because they were “too...
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Wes Hudson selection astonishingly good for Lady ‘Cats

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The Wayland school district couldn’t have come up with a better coach than Wes Hudson for the girls’ varsity basketball team. When I heard the news that Marty Howard was stepping down as Wayland girls’ varsity basketball coach, my reaction was that he was deserting a sinking ship. The Lady...
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