Category: Editorial

Incompetent State Legislature outdoes itself with new roads plan

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ACHTUNG: This is not a “fair and balanced” story. It is an editorial by the editor. Just when I thought this State Legislature couldn’t do anything worse than it already has, it proves me wrong. The latest and greatest example of dunderhead thinking is this new plan to fund Michigan’s...
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Will Allegan County’s largest employer follow the alarming pattern?

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ACHTUNG: This is not a "fair and balanced" story. It is an editorial by the editor. The news from Allegan County's largest employer continues to be both alarming and depressing. Perrigo late last week announced it was laying off 100 employees at its Allegan facility, and I fear there's more...
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If we like free market, we must accept quality people leaving us

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ACHTUNG: This is not a "fair and balanced" story. It is an editorial by the editor. The recent news about the Belding Library trying to lure Natalie Bazan away from Hopkins and Dorr libraries and the departure next week of Wayland City Manager Mike Selden demonstrate a trend too many...
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Our rigged election system promotes apathy, preserves status quo

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In the wake of the special election Nov. 3, the unpleasantness of low voter turnout reared its ugly head again. I’d be rich if I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard hand-wringing officials and politicians bemoan the apathy of the U.S. citizenry. Despite this dog and pony show...
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Don’t be fooled by misleading TV ads about energy efficiency

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Legislators in Lansing are considering a dangerous proposal being pushed by utility companies that would increase electricity costs for Michigan families and businesses.     State Senator Mike Nofs and State Representative Aric Nesbitt are authors of the plan which would not only change the definition of “renewable” to suit their needs,...
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If I were voting in the Nov. 3 special election, whom would I choose?

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ACHTUNG: This is not a "fair and balanced" story. It's an editorial by the editor. “Hey ho, don’t worry. You know you can’t win. No matter who you vote for, the government always gets in.” — The Bonzo Dog Band There’s little difference between any candidates who seek the remaining...
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Basing all decisions on money is like emphysema for public schools

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I have watched helplessly the slow and painful terminal illness of public education over more than 40 years in community journalism It feels like watching a loved one slowly deteriorate from emphysema after smoking too many cigarettes for too long. It feels like the fable about the frog who was...
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Former State Rep. Cindy Gamrat seeks media corrections, apology

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This media advisory is addressed to all local, state and national media: I am requesting an immediate apology and correction from all media outlets that have reported the following misleading and inaccurate statements: That I admitted to misusing taxpayer dollars to cover up an affair. That I shared an office...
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Why do we risk precious lands for oil and gas companys’ profits?

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  In a satellite view of Michigan, the Barry and Allegan State Game Areas can be seen as darker green, textured areas of forest in the satellite image. These areas are in contrast to the rest of the land that is lighter green, mowed, tilled, and divided up with roads....
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City Council must finally resolve Plan Commission numbers, 9 or 7

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The Wayland City Council’s negligence has allowed an uncertain situation to continue for too long for local governance. Though I wrote an editorial more than a year ago suggesting the Planning Commission membership be reduced from nine to seven and though the matter was first brought before the Plan Commission...
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