Category: Editorial

Barry Wege grant pass avoids opportunity to protect our land

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To the editor: I am disappointed, but not surprised that Barry County commissioners voted to turn down a $5,000 grant from the Wege Foundation to explore ordinances to control oil and gas development in the county. At a January public information session on environmental issues in Barry County, Matthew Zimmerman...
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State lawmakers continue to ‘Starve the Beast,’ public schools

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ACHTUNG: This is not a "fair and balanced" story. It is an editorial by the editor. Michigan state government has been playing a doomsday game of “Starve the Beast” for more than a couple of decades, and the process has had a devastating effect on education and roads. State legislators...
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The real issue: Athletic justice delayed is justice denied

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ACHTUNG: This is not a “fair and balanced” story. It is an editorial by the editor. A tangled web is being weaved after former Wayland Board of Education Shelly Whitley filed a complaint against the schools for violating federal Title IX provisions. It seems Whitley filed the action for two...
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Wildcat hoops season postscript: We had joy, we had fun…

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ACHTUNG: This is not a "fair and balanced" story. It is an editorial by the editor. The most painful part of the now departed Wayland boys' and girls' basketball seasons is that they are over. Fans can't go watch them play any more. For the players and coaches, they fell...
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Cancer risks should result in a moratorium on fracking

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To the editor: I've been reading the Compendium of Scientific, Medical and Media Findings Demonstrating Risks and Harms of Fracking This compilation of evidence was used in New York as rationale for its moratorium – now a ban on fracking. As a registered nurse I’m outraged that a process...
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Potential benefits of paved rec trail outweigh negatives

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ACHTUNG: This is not a “fair and balanced” story. It is an editorial by the editor. A friend Wednesday e-mailed me his opinion about the public hearing on the City of Wayland’s second attempt to get a state grant to help fund a paved trail on the old interurban from...
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Tuinstra and Senneker must stop with the micro-managing

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ACHTUNG: This is not a “fair and balanced” story. It is an editorial by the editor. “Those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it.” — Georges Santayana  “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results.” — Albert Einstein...
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Lady Wildcats have a better than good chance for redemption

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ACHTUNG: This is not a "fair and balanced" story. It is an editorial by the editor. “Don’t get mad, get even.” — Joseph P. Kennedy, father of John, Robert and Ted Kennedy. Perhaps there’s a lot of disappointment and even hand wringing this weekend in the wake of the Wayland...
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Prospects appear dim for passage of state-wide proposal for roads

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There is good and bad in the state-wide ballot proposal on behalf of roads in a special election May 5, but in the end it doesn't matter because the smart money is betting that it will fail. The good is that the proposed increase in the state sales tax from...
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President paints Christian sins long ago with too broad a brush

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To the editor: Our President on Feb. 5 condemned all current Christians for the Spanish Inquisition of the 15th century and the Crusades in the 11th century.  He also held the Christian religion responsible for slavery, even though most Africans enslaved were first enslaved by Muslim slave traders then sold...
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