Ex Ingles (at right) was the winner of the 2022 Pine Street Spelling Bee and runner-up is was Cohen Pierce. They will now move on the the Allegan County Spelling…
(Taken from the archives at the Then & Now historical library in downtown Dorr) 25 Years Ago — Jan. 27, 1997 The continuing debate over privatizing Wayland Union Schools’ transportation…
The four winners of the Wayland Middle School spelling bee, Sophia Miller, Adysen Pierce, Brayden Tomson, and Spencer Miller, were announced today. They competed with 25 other WUMS students who…
Dorr Township firefighter Jon Schaefer has been selected as the 2021 Dorr Township Lion Citizen of the Year. He was nominated by Chief Gary Fordham for his passion for serving…
(Taken from the archives at the Then & Now historical library in downtown Dorr) 25 Years Ago — Jan. 20, 1997 The Lovall General Store in "Bygone Days" Editor Nila…
Wayland High School sophomore Olivia Stein recently won two awards in the Olivet Regional Art competition for portraits she drew of her grandparents, Phyllis and Burrell Stein. She was declared…
(Taken from the archives at the Then & Now historical library in downtown Dorr, which this week was recommended for a genealogical research project by The Michigan Historical Society) 25…
During the two snowstorms last week in the Wayland area, there was a lot activity on the expressway because of semi and vehicle crashes, but in the simpler and quieter…
(Taken from the archives at the Then & Now historical library in downtown Dorr) ACHTUNG: The Wayland Globe edition for 25 years ago, Jan. 6, 1997, is missing from the…
Barb Ginder, Wayland Union Schools food service kitchen manager at Pine Street Elementary, retired Fridayretired. She has worked for school district for 22 years.