ACHTUNG: This is not a “fair and balanced” article. It is an editorial by the editor.
“It is a tale. Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.” — William Shakespeare, “MacBeth”
The Allegan County Republican Party’s official censure of U.S. Rep. Fred Upton for his vote to impeach former President Donald Trump is full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
The party’s executive committee Thursday unanimously adopted a resolution to censure Upton, complaining there was “little debate” and lack of due process in the impeachment process.
The committee’s resolution stated, “We believe Congressman Upton’s vote is a betrayal of his oath of office and the core values of the Allegan County Republican Party.
“We believe this vote ignored the voice of the voters in Allegan County and was against their interest.”
The whole affair is just marketing and public relations that essentially will change nothing. President Donald Trump will be acquitted in the Senate and all that will come of this for him is the stain of being impeached twice.
The public relations act did gain the notice of the Detroit News, so a case can be made that it was of particular temporary benefit. But it probably will be quickly forgotten.
The News reported, “Censure is symbolic act of disapproval that has no teeth, but the Allegan GOP executive committee referred its resolution to another party panel to ‘investigate any further action that may be available’.”
Such as primary Upton in 2022.

Upton has been in Congress for 34 years, having been elected 17 times in the Sixth Congressional District. He has always said he would support Trump when he agreed with him and disagree when he thought Trump was wrong.
According to the Detroit News, the Allegan County GOP’s resolution said many county residents and precinct delegates had attended the rally where Trump spoke on Jan. 6, and that the thousands had gathered to peacefully petition their government for redress over complaints about the 2020 election.
“The resolution blames the ‘liberal media,’ Democrats and ‘self-serving ‘Republicans’ for ‘misleading’ the public by saying Trump had incited the violence at the Capitol.
But the reason for censure rings hollow, only a protest against Upton’s vote, which is not to the liking of party officials who demand complete unwavering loyalty to the now departed former president. A president who very clearly incited riled up “protesters” to break into the halls of Congress Jan. 6 to intimidate lawmakers in an insurrection that was nothing less than domestic terrorism.
Upton was one of 10 House Republicans who joined Democrats in support of the article of impeachment. He voted his conscience rather than show his fealty to Trump. He and nine others refused to march in lockstep.
Lawmakers often vote on important issues without serious consultation with voters, a difficult and time-consuming process. I cite the State Legislature’s Right to Work law rammed through in less than 24 hours and the tax cut for the rich in 2017.
It’s time for the Allegan County GOP to cut its losses and move forward.
For once you are 100% correct. The Republican Party should cut its losses and not endorse Dumpton in the next race. They need a viable candidate instead of a Democrat Light jackass that he is and has been for years and years. I bet if you look at his voting record, he sides with Dumbo rats more than his own party. He is a disgrace and should be impeached.
I remember the sniveling little shit when he first ran, didn’t like him then either and didn’t vote for him. After all those years in office with a silver spoon in both orifices, he is a very rich man, not deserving of representing his district another 2 years.
Let’s get a real Republican in office.
Thank you, Allegan County Republican party! This action may amount to no more than a “paper tiger,” but it is still important, no critical, that those who represent us understand where we stand when they seem to lose their way.
As for President Trump I think he should consider it a badge of honor that he was “impeached” twice by the totally off the trail liberal left, led by those who I don’t even care to acknowledge, we all know who they are. These individuals managed to make Trumps presidency no less than a living hell to what end?
Millions of taxpayer dollars flushed, (I’ve heard a figure of $40 million plus, seriously), totally ignoring the important issues that should have been dealt with and weren’t, with the end result of our President being cleared.
So here we go again. Fred has 36 years in office, an admirable career but also as I see it a major part of the problem. Too many too long! They have lost touch with we the people! I couldn’t think of a better time to seriously consider federal term limits in Washington!
What do you think, Fred, could you give us a hand with this? Oh by the way, I will admit to voting for you in the past, but not again, and I’m not sorry.
Trump is gone, let’s move on. The US is in a state of turmoil. We need to unite. Let’s use the congress and senate to bring us back to normal, whatever that is.
Beat the virus, help those in need. Some have be affected more than others. We all know who they are. If you don’t like the person in office, don’t vote for them. Time for term limits!
Thank you. The GOP’s claims of “little debate” and “lack of due process” are nothing more than bluster, and they know it.
The evidence was clearly visible on our TV screens. Trump called his followers to DC, based on false claims of a stolen election. When they arrived, he instructed them to march on the Capitol building, making it clear that their destination was the ballot box, which was inside the building. Then he told them to “fight like hell or you won’t have a country to fight for.” They followed his instructions, and at least five people died.
Trump loyalist William Barr and the DOJ had already investigated the claims of voter fraud and found nothing “that would have effected a change in the outcome.” Mitch McConnell, describing the rioters, said that those people were lied to by the President and other powerful people.
Of course, after event was over, Trump denied everything, and showed his followers the underside of the bus.
There’s no lack of evidence or discussion. What’s lacking is courage on the part of GOP leaders to tell Trump’s followers that they got played by a con man and his media enablers.
For many years I have followed the partisan postings on this site. I would like to propose we find subjects we agree on rather than constant bickering that is counter productive.
I propose the following needs for our country and its people: A public works bill that would create good jobs and benefit communities, to include bridges and highways, water systems and other projects, an immigration bill and getting Covid vaccinations for all who want them.
Can we discuss those or other critical needs to get a civil discussions going?
Good luck. Listen to the anger and tone of the first two comments. I too would like to have a civil debate about all the topics you mentioned. You can not call people dumbo rats and call that civil. The Democrats started social security. I am sure DTOM does not know that. Comments like his only make the problem worse. He writes to the low IQ people like himself. I hope President Biden works on roads and bridges and other projects after He cleans up the mess left to him!