Special use permits for a day care business and the fifth retail cannabis outlet in the city were approved Tuesday night by the Wayland City Council.

Both requests were recommended by the Planning Commission two weeks ago.

The Woods submitted the special use permit request for a stand-alone building next to Best Western Hotel in the 200 block of Reno Drive. The petitioner promised The Woods would also construct a sidewalk at that location.

Santana Bueno’s request to establish a child care center on Wildflower Court won the council’s blessing, despite concerns about noise and traffic.

In other business at Tuesday night’s meeting, which was delyaed 24 hours because of the Dr. Martin Luther King holiday, the council:

  • Adopted a resolution starting the distribution of the city’s proposed master plan for a 63-day comment period. Afterward, there will be a public hearing on the plan.
  • Scheduled a closed session for the beginning of the Monday, Feb. 2, meeting to review the job performance of City Manager Josh Eggleston.
  • Learned that auditors will be on hand for the Feb. 2 meeting, so a review of the budget will be conducted.
  • Was reminded by Eggleston that appointments still need to be made for the Officers’ Compensation Commission. Former Mayor Burrell Stein already has agreed to serve.
  • Was told by Eggleston that it is likely some trees will have to be removed along South Main Street before the start of the addition pot a left-turn lane. The project will be funded mostly by the Michigan Department of Transportation.
  • Learned from the city manager that he hopes to make a hire for a water and sewer supervisor to succeed the retired Ben Batchelder.

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