Chris Glasser

There actually now are three candidates who intend to run for Fourth District Congressman, two Democrats and Republican incumbent Bill Huizenga.

Another Democratic challenger is Chris Glasser of Kalamazoo, who appears to be slightly more progressive in his political views than Jessica Swartz, who was reported to be in the race Wednesday.

Glasser was born in Kalamazoo and earned a bachelor’s degree from Western Michigan University in 2021. His career experience includes working as an EMT, firefighter, reserve sheriff’s deputy, Children’s Protective Services investigator, and non-profit board member.

When asked about his political opinions, he has responded, “Politicians are supposed to be public servants… but we don’t hold them to the same expectations. Politicians are practically expected to be liars, self-interested and hyper-partisan. We need to raise our standards for our politicians, pressure them to act ethically, and if they don’t, vote them out.

“I support increasing transparency and accountability in politics and government, adding restrictions to lobbying, ending insider trading, getting rid of dark political contributions, and lowering the impact that money has in our elections.

“Additionally, our health care system is one of the most expensive in the world, due largely in part to profit-seeking pharmaceutical companies, medical equipment companies, and unethical private insurance companies. Switching to a single-payer health care system would provide every American with quality health care while saving the country over $2 trillion over 10 years.”

Swartz is believed to have a political approach more consistent with President Joe Biden, who does not support Medicare for All.

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