The Wayland City Council has decided to go no further with a proposed traffic study that would perhaps pave the way for installation of a traffic light at the corner of East Superior Street and Wildcat Drive.

The council last agreed to continue with a traffic study, but only on the condition Wayland Union Schools shared the cost.

City Manager Josh Eggleston said the study eventually could cost as much as $10,000, but school officials now indicate they’re not interested in paying for a study on a traffic light that may not happen.

Councilwoman Jennifer Antel said, “I’m inclined to say we don’t need to pursue this any further… It’s only an issue for about 10 minutes twice a day.”

She added this it is critical for the schools to chip in for the costs of the study.

Councilman Rick Mathis said, “An activated red light could create the same problem it is supposed to solve” by temporarily halting motorists’ travel on both roads.

He added that the city shouldn’t pick up the whole tab because students and motorists who live in Dorr, Hopkins, Leighton, Wayland and Yankee Springs townships also would benefit.

Wayland Schools Supt. Norm Taylor said last month that recent growth has made a traffic light mornings and afternoons more necessary.

“The situation there has gotten worse this year because we added the sixth grade to the middle school. We now have much greater car volume with parents dropping off and picking up their students.”

It was estimated that traffic backups cost motorists as much as 20 minutes each weekday morning and another 20 minutes during the afternoons.

Eggleston said the eventual cost of installing a traffic light could be as high as $200,000.

Council took no action, signaling it does not wish to pursue the question any further.

In another matter brought up at the council meeting Monday night, Councilman Abe Garcia reported the new Best Western Hotel facility opened its doors today (See cover photo).


1 Comment

mike williams
February 6, 2020
The Hotel is now open. Spread the word! Good Luck Best Western Plus.

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