The Wayland City Council has agreed to change the way the student representative is selected every year to represent Wayland High School.
Because a student representative still hasn’t been chosen for the 2018-19 academic year, Mayor Pro Tem Jennifer Antel suggested that eligibility no longer be confined to the Student Council. She said she was told by advisor Nicole Cardosa no one from the Student Council was interested in serving.
Therefore, all Wayland High School students will be invited to apply to better ensure a representative is selected in a more timely manner.
Antel also reported she was told there are seven members of the Student Council, thereby limiting the pool, so opening up the process may be a better solution.
In other business at Monday night’s meeting, the council:
• Said good-bye to John Sloan, who has served on the City for four years, now is retiring.
“What I take out of this is that the city is in really good hands,” said Sloan, a retired teacher Wayland High School. “I wish every unit of government was as efficient as you are.”
Antel, who essentially encouraged Sloan to join the council, commented, “You’ve done a great job. We appreciate you stepping up.”
It was Sloan’s last meeting. He will be succeeded by Abe Garcia, who with Joe Kramer and Tim Rose and Mayor Tim Bala won the Nov. 6 general election.
• Approved downtown road closures and the schedule for the annual Art Hop from 5 to 9 p.m. Friday, Dec. 7.
Main Street program Director Ingrid Miller said this year’s Art Hop will include a window decoration contest.
The parade, as usual, will be held the following day, and Councilman Joe Kramer, a Boy Scout leader, said the young lads will conducting their annual “Scouting for Food” drive along the route, those attending are encouraged to bring along non-perishable food to donate.

• Reappointed Jason Hancock to a three-year term on the Downtown Development Authority and approved the appointment of 2003 Wayland High School graduate Heather Wierckz Nesbit to succeed Chase Johnson on the DDA. Nesbit is store manager for Dahlia City Floral.
• Learned fr0m City Manager Joshua Eggleston that 140 applications have been received for the police department secretary’s job and the application deadline for the city police chief is Monday, Nov. 26.