City of Wayland officials today indicated they have been receiving complains from residents about discolored water coming from taps.

They said on Facebook today: “There have been some inquiries today regarding some discolored water. This is happening due to an unforeseen ‘water hammering’ issue with a large customer. The situation has been addressed, but we may still have some discoloration over the next 24 hours.

“City staff is flushing some hydrants in hopes of working this issue through the system. While discolored, the water is safe to drink; however it may be wise to hold off on washing any light colored clothing for the next day or so if possible.”


Dennis Longstreet
March 7, 2023
Waylands water has been bad for years!! Everything in my house that is white is now rust colored!! I use $2.50 cents worth of water per month and have a $57.00 per month bill !! Seems like at that price I could get Quality on Tap like is advertised!!
March 8, 2023
Yeah Dennis you would think that making over a million dollars a year for water and sewer rates we would have some quality. I would say we even pay more I bought a zerowater filter and it only lasts about a month, to replace the filter is over twelve dollars. The filter life is shortened because of the TDS (total dissolve solids) in the water it comes with a tester and when I use the tester it always is just under the legal requirements. I've taken it to friends homes in Kentwood and Wyoming and tested their water the TDS is way lower than ours. Skol!

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