New Wayland City Manager Erik Wilson hasn’t been on the job very long, but he already has been called out by a disgruntled citizen.
Peter Blok, who visited the council several times over the past couple of years, is unhappy about an unresolved issue of a bill from the Wayland Fire Department, outstanding since July 2022. He said the bill totals $21,664.78 and “I’m not paying a danged nickel.”
Blok added, “I’ve had numerous meeting to no result.”
Wilson said he isn’t as familiar with the problem as he should be because he came on board only a couple of months ago, but he invited him to discuss the matter privately with Blok one on one.No such meeting was set up, but Wilson said his offer stands.
In other business at Monday night’s meeting, the City Council:
• Welcomed new city police officer Clayton Fayen (See photo above), who was sworn in before the meeting. His addition brings the local department up to full strength at 7.5 officers according to Police Chief Scott Mattice.
- Agreed in principle to Wilson’s suggestion council have monthly committee of the whole meetings, a process other municipalities use as a sort of work session.
- Approved budget amendments for $150,250 more in expenses, mostly involved in the council’s search for a new city manager completed late last fall.
• Approved a proposed Michigan Employment Retirement System (MERS) Roth IRA proposal for employees at no added cost to the city.